• 星巴克小哥拒为不戴口罩的顾客服务,获捐款四万美元

    20-07-26 People have raised more than $40,000 to support a Starbucks barista who was shown in a Facebook post declining to serve a customer who didnt have a mask on. Facebook上发布的照片中有一个星巴克的服务员拒绝为一位不戴口罩的顾客服务,人们捐款超40,000美元...

  • 大流行病是人类破坏自然的结果

    20-07-26 联合国、世界卫生组织和世界自然基金会的领导人指出,新冠肺炎等大流行病是人类破坏自然的结果,而几十年来全世界一直在无视这个赤裸裸的现实。科学家指出,少吃肉和奶制品是人们减少对地球环境影响的最主要方法。 Pandemics such as coronavirus are the result of hu...

  • 法国规定封闭公共场所必须戴口罩,否则罚款135欧元

    20-07-23 在新冠肺炎疫情再次暴发之际,法国规定民众在所有封闭公共场所必须戴口罩。任何没有戴口罩的人将被罚款135欧元(约合人民币1079元)。 France has made face masks compulsory in all enclosed public spaces amid a fresh bout of Covid-19 outbreaks. Masks were alr...

  • 销员、快递员、餐厅服务员再次成为最短缺职位

    20-07-23 营销人员,快递人员和餐厅服务人员再次成为中国目前劳动力最短缺的岗位。 Salespeople, couriers and waiters became the posts with the biggest labor shortages again, according to a list ranking the top 100 posts seeing labor shortages in the second quarte...

  • 法国政府同意支付90亿美元提高医护人员工资

    20-07-23 法国支付同意支付90亿美元为医护人员加薪。 The French government has agreed to give a pay rise of $9 billion to its health workers. It agreed the deal on Monday with labour unions. The extra cash means that nurses and care workers will get an extra $2...

  • 11岁尼日利亚男孩雨中舞蹈视频走红网络

    20-07-23 尼日利亚一名11岁的小男孩因为雨中跳舞的视频走红网络。这个男孩以他的舞蹈技巧,热情,激情,专注感染了很多网友。 An 11-year-old boy has achieved fame after a video of him dancing in the rain outside his home in Lagos, Nigeria went viral on social media....

  • 日本发明智能口罩,可翻译8种不同语言

    20-07-23 日本公司甜甜圈机器人研发出了一种智能口罩,可以将佩戴者说的话翻译成8种不同语言。这款口罩单价预计是40美元(约合人民币280元),首批5000个口罩将于九月份在日本上市 Japanese company Donut Robotics has developed a face mask with smart capabilities, includi...

  • 科学家称因气候变化北极熊可能会在百年内灭绝

    20-07-23 周一发布的一项研究称,气候变化正在饿死北极熊并迫使它们灭绝。该研究预测,北极熊这一食物链顶端的食肉动物可能会在百年内几近灭绝。 Climate change is starving polar bears into extinction, according to research published Monday that predicts the apex carn...

  • 因为戴口罩,眼妆眉妆产品销量大增

    20-07-23 From July 24, face masks will become mandatory for those visiting shops and supermarkets in England. As face coverings become part of the new normal, sales of eye and brow make-up have soared throughout lockdown. 从7月24日开始,在英国逛商店和超市都...

  • 新闻联播更换片头

    20-07-23 7月18日,《新闻联播》更换了新片头和新演播室,让不少人感到眼前一亮。 此次联播节目改版,重在进行全高清新闻制播升级。与7月17日播出的《新闻联播》对比,18日播出的《新闻联播》片头画面宽高比,已由4:3改为16:9,并且画面显示高清字样。 Xinwen Lianbo, or News S...