• 低风险地区校园内学生不需佩戴口罩

    20-06-01 国家卫健委、教育部日前制定《中小学校新冠肺炎疫情防控技术方案(修订版)》(以下简称《方案》)。 Primary and secondary school students no longer need to wear masks on campuses in areas with a low risk of COVID-19, according to the protocols. 《方案》明确...

  • 乐高在上海推出系列作品“悟空小侠”

    20-05-28 继《哈利波特》、《星球大战》等大受欢迎的西方影视作品之后,中国经典小说《西游记》中的孙悟空成为首个拥有乐高模型的中国英雄。5月15日,乐高公司在上海推出了首个基于中国文化的系列作品悟空小侠。 Following popular Western film and television works such as H...

  • 香港科技大学设计出3D人造眼球

    20-05-28 香港科技大学的研究人员设计了一款模拟人眼结构和性能的电化学眼球。专家称,世界首款3D人造眼球有望在五年内帮助许多部分或完全失明的人重见光明,这种人造眼球在某些方面比人眼还要好。 The worlds first 3D artificial eyeball - capable of outperforming the huma...

  • 意甲禁止天空体育转播剩余赛季赛事

    20-05-28 周三意甲联盟提交了禁令,禁止转播商天空体育转播剩余赛季赛事。 Italys top professional football league, Serie A, on Wednesday filed an injunction against broadcaster Sky-Italian over broadcast rights for the remainder of the season. The Serie A season...

  • 我国珠峰登顶测量任务完成

    20-05-28 The Chinese team tasked with remeasuring Mount Qomolangma successfully arrived at the summit and conducted a series of surveys on the pinnacle of the planet on Wednesday. 5月27日,我国珠峰高程测量登山队成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰并完成峰顶测量任务。 The surv...

  • 缺少与阳光的接触会损害视力

    20-05-28 Being nearsighted is far more common than it once was. The prevalence of myopia, the conditions medical name, in Americans has soared by 66 percent since the early 1970s, according to a 2009 study by the National Eye Institute; in China and other Ea...

  • 澳门"赌王"何鸿燊逝世,享

    20-05-28 5月26日下午1时左右,澳门赌王、港澳企业家何鸿燊在香港逝世,享年98岁,他女儿何超琼当日下午晚些时候与家人一起在香港养和医院向媒体宣布了这一消息。 Macaos casino patriarch Stanley Ho Hung-sun died at around 1 pm on Tuesday in Hong Kong at the age of 98,...

  • 狗也有倔强叛逆的青春期

    20-05-28 一项新的研究显示,狗狗在8个月大的时候会经历相似的倔强叛逆的阶段。狗狗不仅会像我们一样有一个麻烦的青春期,而且也和我们十多岁时一样,对父母或者照顾我们的人很失望。这对长期犬类护理和保护意义重大。 Perhaps youve had to put up with a moody, uncooperative...

  • 日本全面解除紧急状态

    20-05-28 日本首相安倍晋三5月25日宣布结束大东京地区和北海道为控制新冠肺炎疫情而实施的紧急状态。至此,日本国内已全部解除紧急状态,民众可以自由外出,企业恢复运营。 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday declared an end to the state of emergency imposed to...

  • 纽约公交将采用紫外线灯杀新冠病毒

    20-05-24 纽约市公共交通管理部门宣布将在一个试点项目中采用紫外线灯来杀死公交车、地铁和车站的新冠病毒。 The agency in charge of public transit in New York City announced a pilot program using ultraviolet light lamps to kill Covid-19 on buses and trains and at...