• 伊朗核工厂产能翻倍

    12-08-31 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN's nuclear watchdog, says Iran has doubled production capacity at the Fordo nuclear site. 联合国核监察机构,国际原子能组织称,伊朗弗多核基地的生产能力已加倍。 Construction of the Fordo site was re...

  • 新材料可迅速从海水中提取大量铀

    12-08-22 Fueling nuclear reactors with uranium harvested from the ocean could become more feasible because of a material developed by a team led by the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The combination of ORNL's high-capacity reusable ads...

  • 福岛核泄漏导致蝴蝶变异

    12-08-18 日本科学家研究发现,福岛核事故之后,由于受到放射性物质的影响,日本的蝴蝶品种出现了翅膀变...

  • 日本举行广岛核弹纪念

    12-08-06 Japan is marking the 67th anniversary of the atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima in an annual ceremony. 日本正举行第67届广岛核弹袭击纪念。 Tens of thousands of people attended the event, amid growing anti-nuclear sentiment and protests in the country. A...

  • 《小屁孩日记》一

    12-07-20 影片对白 Rowley: Is that cheese? Chirag: Stop! Good God, man! You almost got the Cheese Touch. Greg: The what? Chirag: The Cheese Touch. Nobody knows when or how, but one day that cheese mysteriously appeared on the blacktop . Nobody knew who it bel...

  • 日本福岛核泄漏乃人为导致

    12-07-05 The crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant was a profoundly man-made disaster, a Japanese parliamentary panel has said in a report. 日本某国会委员在一篇报告中称,福岛核电站泄露事件是一场严重的人为灾难。 The disaster could and should have been foresee...

  • 法国欲对伊朗加大制裁力度

    12-06-20 Sanctions against Iran must be toughened unless Tehran negotiates seriously over its controversial nuclear programme, France has warned. 法国警告,针对伊朗的制裁必须严厉,除非德黑兰能够认真对待关于其核计划的谈判。 Iran says it has 'non-negotiable' r...

  • 何处放置核废料?

    12-06-20 Researchers in Finland have found that acceptance of the site of a spent nuclear fuel repository(储藏室) can depend on gender and economic background. Writing in the International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, the team report...

  • 伊朗核会谈将在巴格达举行

    12-05-23 A group of six world powers is due to hold fresh talks with Iran about its controversial nuclear programme. 世界六大强国将要就核计划问题与伊朗举行会谈。 Iran is enriching uranium in its heavily fortified underground plant at Fordo, near Qom The talk...

  • 美国加大对伊朗的制裁力度

    12-05-22 The US Senate has approved a bill to tighten sanctions against Iran in a bid to force Tehran to abandon its nuclear programme. 美国参议院通过一项决议,加紧制裁伊朗以迫使塔利班放弃核计划。 The new sanctions will target Iran's Revolutionary Guard and...