• 科学家制作出最亮伽马射线

    11-09-20 The brightest gamma ray beam ever created -- more than a thousand billion times more brilliant than the sun -- has been produced in research led at the University of Strathclyde, and could open up new possibilities for medicine. Physicists have disc...

  • 日本核污染地区几十年无法居住

    11-09-03 Areas surrounding Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant could remain uninhabitable for decades due to high radiation, the government warned on Saturday as it struggles to clean up after the world's worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. 日本政府...

  • 美国研制出手提箱核电站

    11-09-03 美国能源部爱达荷国家实验室的科学家研制出一种手提箱大小的核电站,能够在火星、月球或者任何外太空基地发电,发电量为40千瓦,。美国宇航局已考虑将这种微型核电站用于氧气或氢气发生器的电力支持,另外也可用于有人或无人电子侦察设备的电力供应。 Humans might not...

  • 日本首相菅直人辞职

    11-08-26 Japan's beleaguered Prime Minister Naoto Kan has announced his resignation, clearing the way for the country's sixth leader in five years. 四面楚歌的日本首相菅直人宣布辞职,这是日本五年之内第六任领导。 Mr Kan has been criticised for failing to show...

  • 美国东海岸发生5.8级地震

    11-08-24 A magnitude-5.8 earthquake has rattled the east coast of the United States. 一场5.8级的地震刚刚袭击了美国东海岸。 The quake centred on the state of Virginia but was felt in Washington, where the Pentagon and US Capitol were evacuated, as well as in...

  • 日本三位核能源官员被解雇

    11-08-04 Three men in charge of nuclear power safety and policy have been sacked. 日本三位主管核能源安全与政策的官员被解雇。 Japan's Trade and Industry Minister, Banri Kaieda, said the three senior officials would be held responsible for mishandling the plan...

  • 日本国会批准东京电力的赔偿计划

    11-08-03 Japan's parliament has approved a plan to help Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) compensate victims of its tsunami-crippled nuclear plant. 日本国会批准了一项帮助东京电力公司赔偿核电站受害者的计划。 Crisis at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has seen peopl...

  • 伊朗加紧铀浓缩步伐

    11-07-20 Iran says it is installing newer and faster centrifuges at its nuclear plants, with the goal of speeding up the uranium enrichment process. 伊朗正在其核电站安装更新、更快的离心机,意在加速铀浓缩计划的实施。 The Bushehr nuclear plant, Iran's first nu...

  • 东京电力公司遭股东愤怒指责

    11-06-28 Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) faced the wrath of angry shareholders at its first annual meeting since the 11 March earthquake and tsunami. 日本311地震和海啸过后,东京电力公司召开首次年度会议,会议期间该公司面临股东的愤怒指责。 There h...

  • 日本中部电力公司获得紧急贷款

    11-06-24 Chubu Electric, Japan's third biggest utility, will receive an emergency loan to purchase alternative sources of power, as the country continues to face a shortage. 日本第三大电力公司中部电力公司将收到一笔紧急贷款用于购买替代性能源,目前日本面临持续...