• 日本民众抗议使用核能

    12-03-20 Tens of thousands of people have rallied near Japan's crippled Fukushima plant demanding an end to nuclear power as the nation marked the first anniversary of a disastrous earthquake and tsunami. 日本大地震和海啸灾难发生一周年之际,数万名日本民众聚...

  • 科学家研发出核时钟蓝图

    12-03-20 A clock accurate to within a tenth of a second over 14 billion years -- the age of the universe -- is the goal of research being reported this week by scientists from three different institutions. To be published in the journal Physical Review Lette...

  • 美朝特使讨论粮食援助协议细节

    12-03-07 Envoys from the United States and North Korea are meeting in Beijing to finalise details of a food aid deal. 来自美国和朝鲜的特使会聚北京,讨论粮食援助协议的细节问题。 The agreement to send aid was reached last week after Pyongyang agreed to halt nu...

  • 朝鲜宣布停止核试验

    12-03-01 North Korea's pledge to suspend uranium enrichment, as well as nuclear and long-range missile tests, has received a cautious international welcome. 朝鲜宣布停止铀浓缩计划、停止核弹和远程导弹实验,这一决定受到国际社会普遍欢迎。 A White House spokesma...

  • 美朝将举行核问题会谈

    12-02-23 US and North Korean officials are meeting in Beijing for talks on Pyongyang's nuclear programme. 美国、朝鲜官员将会聚北京,讨论平壤核问题。 The US says it wants to know the direction in which Kim Jong-un plans to lead North Korea The talks are the f...

  • 伊朗禁止核检查员进入某地

    12-02-22 The UN nuclear watchdog says Iran has stopped a team of inspectors from visiting a key military site. 联合国核监察机构称,伊朗禁止一组检查员进入某军事要地。 The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says no deal has been reached on inspecting th...

  • 伊朗举行军演保护核设施

    12-02-21 Iran has announced it will hold military exercises to boost protection of its nuclear sites. 伊朗宣布将巨型军事演习以增强对核设施的保护。 A military statement said drills would be held in southern Iran to counter all possible threats, especially to...

  • 英法将开展民用核能源发展合作

    12-02-17 The UK is to sign a deal with France to strengthen co-operation in the development of civil nuclear energy. 英国将与法国签署一项加强民用核能源发展的协议。 The government says it reiterates(重申) the UK's commitment to nuclear energy as part of a d...

  • nuclear-contaminated beef 辐射牛肉

    12-02-15 Japan's second-biggest retailer said on Sunday it had sold beef from cattle that ate nuclear-contaminated feed , the latest in a series of health scares from radiation leaking from a quake-crippled nuclear power plant. 日本第二大零售商周日称其已售出...

  • 伊朗:核会谈“有建设性”

    12-02-01 Iran says it has ended three days of positive and constructive talks with UN nuclear inspectors. 伊朗称,结束了与联合国核检查员为期三天的积极的、有建设性的会谈。 The semi-official Fars news agency said the two sides had agreed to continue talks, but...