• 海水如何腐蚀核燃料

    12-01-30 Japan used seawater to cool nuclear fuel at the stricken Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant after the tsunami in March 2011 -- and that was probably the best action to take at the time, says Professor Alexandra Navrotsky of the University of California...

  • 朝核六方会谈有望重建

    12-01-18 A path is open for a return to stalled nuclear talks with North Korea, officials from the US, Japan and South Korea have said. 美国、日本和韩国的官员称,与朝鲜的核会谈通道已开。 The comments came after top diplomats met in Washington. The three coun...

  • 欧盟会议将商讨制裁伊朗新措施

    11-12-01 Discussion of new measures against Iran is expected to dominate a meeting of European foreign ministers on Thursday. 讨论对于伊朗实行新的制裁措施将要主导欧盟各国外长周四举行的会议。 Ministers will consider responses to a report by the UN nuclear wat...

  • 核能源世界范围内遭冷落

    11-11-25 There is little public appetite across the world for building new nuclear reactors, a poll for the BBC indicates. BBC的一项调查显示,全世界范围内,公众对于建设新核反应堆的支持微乎其微。 In countries with nuclear programmes, people are significantly...

  • 英美加对伊朗实行新制裁

    11-11-22 The US, UK and Canada have announced new sanctions against Iran amid growing concern over its nuclear programme. 美国、英国、加拿大对伊朗核计划之担忧日甚,遂对其实行新一轮制裁。 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke of a significant ratcheting...

  • 日本禁售核福岛污染大米

    11-11-18 Japan has banned shipments of rice from an area near the nuclear power station at Fukushima after high levels of radioactive caesium were detected. 福岛核电站附近某地区自检测出高放射性铯之后,日本政府禁止该地区生产的大米外运。 The sample came from a...

  • 日本开展土地放射性指数调查

    11-11-15 New research has found that radioactive material in parts of north-eastern Japan exceeds levels considered safe for farming. 研究发现,日本东北部部分地区放射性物质超出了农业生产的安全水准。 The findings provide the first comprehensive estimates of c...

  • 福岛核电站灾后首次向媒体开放

    11-11-13 Reporters have been allowed inside the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan for the first time since it was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami in March. 日本福岛核电站自三月地震和海啸受损之后,日前首次向新闻记者开放。 The journalists toured the plant...

  • 福岛核电站检测出氙气

    11-11-02 A radioactive gas has been detected at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, the facility's operator says. 日本福岛核电站管理人员称,核电站周围检测到放射性气体。 Tepco said xenon(氙) had been found in reactor two, which was previously thought...

  • 日本福岛儿童正接受甲状腺检查

    11-10-10 Japanese health workers have begun checking more than 300,000 children living near the Fukushima nuclear plant for thyroid abnormalities. 日本的卫生保健工作者已经开始对住在福岛核电站附近的30多万名儿童进行甲状腺检查。 Parents have expressed concern a...