• 英国将重新开放驻伊朗使馆

    14-06-17 Foreign Secretary William Hague will announce a plan on Tuesday which will lead to the re-opening of the British embassy in Iran's capital, Tehran. 英国外交大臣威廉黑格本周二宣布,计划重新开放位于伊朗首都德黑兰的英国大使馆。 Full diplomatic relation...

  • 伊朗:核协议仍有希望达成

    14-05-19 Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has insisted that reaching a final nuclear deal with world powers is still within reach. 伊朗外交部长德贾瓦德扎里夫腔调,与世界大国达成最终的核协议仍然是可行的。 The European Union's Catherine Ashton and...

  • 核安全峰会相关词汇

    14-04-30 nuclear material 核材料 nuclear terrorism 核恐怖主义 radioactive sources 放射源 nuclear non-proliferation 核不扩散 peaceful use of nuclear energy 和平使用核能 to minimize stocks of highly enriched uranium (HEU) 减少高浓铀核材料数量 to keep their sto...

  • 朝鲜电视台公开金正恩童年照片

    14-04-27 Rare new photographs of Kim Jong-un as a young boy have emerged during a concert for the North Korean air force. 朝鲜中央电视台21日实况转播庆祝朝鲜空军音乐会,舞台背景很罕见地出现了金正恩童年和少年时期的照片。 Pictures showing the 31-year-old North...

  • 奥巴马对朝鲜核试验表示担忧

    14-04-25 US President Barack Obama is in Seoul for a visit that comes amid concern that North Korea may be planning a fourth nuclear test. 美国总统奥巴马抵达首尔进行访问,他对朝鲜可能进行第四次核试验表示担忧。 Mr Obama and Ms Park are expected to discuss str...

  • 习近平在海牙核安全峰会上的讲话

    14-03-31 Statement by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At the Nuclear Security Summit The Hague, 24 March 2014 Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Dear Colleagues, Today, we are meeting here at The Hague for an important discussion on the w...

  • 习近平核安全峰会讲话要点

    14-03-30 发展和安全并重,以确保安全为前提发展核能事业。 The world should place equal emphasis on development and security, and develop nuclear energy on the premise of security. 任何以牺牲安全为代价的核能发展都难以持续,都不是真正的发展。 Developing nuclear...

  • 习近平主席将访问欧洲

    14-03-21 President Xi Jinping is expected to sign several cooperative agreements in manufacturing, finance, energy and cultural exchanges in an upcoming tour of Europe that experts said will set a tone for future ties. 习近平主席即将访问欧洲,此行会与欧洲在...

  • 某种新磁性能促进核聚变反应

    14-03-20 Inspired by the space physics behind solar flares and the aurora(极光) , a team of researchers from the University of Michigan and Princeton has uncovered a new kind of magnetic behavior that could help make nuclear fusion reactions easier to star...

  • 玻利维亚欲建核反应堆

    14-01-23 Bolivian President Evo Morales has announced plans to build the country's first nuclear reactor. 玻利维亚总统埃沃莫拉莱斯宣布计划建设国内首座核反应堆。 Mr Morales said the development of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes has become a strategi...