日期:2012-05-16 Greek President Karolos Papoulias is due to meet party leaders to set up a caretaker government ahead of fresh elections expected next month. 希腊下个月大选举行之前,总统卡罗洛斯帕普利亚斯将会见政党首脑建立临时政府。 A final round of talks to secure... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-15 Francois Hollande is set to be sworn in as French president, before travelling to Berlin to discuss the future of the eurozone with Germany's chancellor. 弗朗索瓦奥朗德即将飞抵柏林与德国总理讨论欧盟的未来问题,在此之前他将先宣誓就职法国总统。 He wil... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-10 Indonesian officials say a helicopter has spotted what is thought to be wreckage of the Russian Sukhoi Superjet plane that disappeared on Wednesday. 印度尼西亚官方发表消息称,一架直升机发现了某飞机残骸,该残骸可能是本周三消失的俄罗斯苏霍伊超级喷气式... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-10 Two explosions have hit the Syrian capital, Damascus, with state TV saying dozens have been killed or wounded in terrorist bombings. 叙利亚首都大马士革发生两起爆炸案,国家电视台称这次恐怖主义爆炸案使数十人死伤。 State TV footage of the blasts showed... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-08 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called on Pakistan to do more to crack down on militancy. 美国国务卿希拉里克林顿要求巴基斯坦花更多的精力打击暴力极端主义。 Mrs Clinton said Pakistan's government needed to ensure that its territory is not us... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-07 US President Barack Obama has kicked off his campaign for re-election in November with rallies in two key battleground states, Ohio and Virginia. 美国总统奥巴马开始在两大主要战场俄亥俄州和弗吉尼亚州展开宣传活动,为11月的连任做准备。 He told supporte... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-07 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for an early general election in four months' time. 以色列总理本雅明内塔尼亚胡号召在四个月之内进行大... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-07 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has urged India to buy less oil from sanctions-hit Iran. 美国国务卿希拉里克林顿敦促印度少从伊朗进口石油。 In a stop in Calcutta, she commended energy-starved India for working to lower purchases of Iranian oil a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-07 An al-Qaeda leader in Yemen wanted in connection with the 2000 bombing of the American warship USS Cole has been killed in an air raid. 也门一名基地组织通缉犯在一场空袭中被杀,他涉嫌参与2000年美国科尔号战舰爆炸案。 Fahd al Quso was described as 'a s... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-07 Vladimir Putin is to be inaugurated as president of Russia in a ceremony in the capital, Moscow. 弗拉基米尔普京将在俄罗斯首都莫斯科宣誓就职总统。 Mr Putin took part in a religious ceremony on the eve of his inauguration as president Mr Putin will re... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-07 French socialist Francois Hollande has been celebrating victory in the country's presidential election. 法国社会党成员弗朗索瓦奥朗德赢得法国总统选举胜利。 Mr Hollande - who polled just under 52% of votes in Sunday's run-off election - said he was pr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-04 Nicholas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande are set for their final day of campaigning before Sunday's presidential run-off vote in France. 尼古拉萨科奇与弗朗索瓦奥朗德将要在周日总统竞选决定性选举前进行最后一天的宣传活动。 The most recent polls show Mr H... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-05-03 The UN has imposed sanctions on three North Korean state-owned companies in response to Pyongyang's failed rocket launch last month. 联合国宣布对朝鲜三家国有企业进行制裁以回应朝鲜上个月的火箭发射活动。 The decision to freeze the assets of the firms... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-27 The two candidates in France's presidential run-off have appeared on television, 10 days before the vote. 法国大选最终选举两位候选人发表电视讲话,目前距最终选举还有10天时间。 Polls put Francois Hollande (left) ahead of President Sarkozy in next mont... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-27 West African leaders have agreed to send troops to Mali and Guinea-Bissau following coups in both countries. 马里与几内亚比绍两国国内均发生政变,西非领导人同意向这两国派遣军队。 The regional grouping Ecowas said after an emergency summit that it exp... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-27 The United States and Japan have reached a deal to move thousands of US Marines from the island of Okinawa. 美国与日本达成协议,将撤离数千驻扎在冲绳岛上的海军陆战队。 Japan-US ties have been strained over the future of the Okinawa base and troops So... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-26 The head of the Israeli military has said he does not think Iran will develop nuclear weapons. 以色列军方领导人称,他认为伊朗不会发展核武器。 Chief of Staff Lt Gen Benny Gantz made the statement in an interview with the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz. H... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-26 Tens of thousands of students have taken part in protests in Chile in support of education reform. 智利数以万计的学生举行示威活动支持教育改革。 Organisers said at least 50,000 marched in the capital Santiago on Wednesday, with police saying 25,000 a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-25 Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has vowed to take the White House from President Barack Obama and end four years of disappointments. 美国共和党总统候选人米特罗姆尼立誓将从奥巴马手中接管白宫并结束民众四年的失望。 Speaking while racking up... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-04-23 Amadou Toumani Toure, ousted as Mali's leader in last month's coup, has fled to neighbouring Senegal. 上个月马里政变中被流放的领导人阿马杜图马尼杜尔已流亡至邻国塞内加尔。 Amadou Toumani Toure is respected for ending decades of military rule in Mali... 阅读全文>>

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