20-08-28 Menstrual leave , a policy that affords women suffering extreme period pain one or two days off work, already exists in several countries around the world, but has been widely criticised as counterproductive, often reinforcing negative stereotypes o...
16-11-23 A chocolatier in Switzerland has claimed to have created a chocolate that can help relieve period pains. 瑞士一家巧克力制造商声称制造出一种可帮助缓解痛经的巧克力。 The chocolate titled Frauenmond which translates to womens moon is made by Chocolate...
16-08-26 第一编 总 则 第七章 期间、送达 第一节 期 间 Chapter VII Time Periods and Service Section 1 Time Periods 第七十五条 期间包括法定期间和人民法院指定的期间。 Article 75 Time periods shall include those prescribed by the law and those designated by a peo...
16-06-27 When dormant volcanoes are about to erupt, they show some predictive characteristics--seismic activity beneath the volcano starts to increase, gas escapes through the vent, or the surrounding ground starts to deform. However, until now, there has no...
16-05-25 Seismologists are now suggesting the Earth has entered an active seismic period . 有地震学家表明,地球已经进入了地震活跃期。 地震活跃期(active seismic period)是指地震活动(seismic activity)相对频繁和强烈的时期。地震活跃期是相对地震平静期(quiet s...
15-12-10 If you don't want to send the wrong message, watch how you punctuate your texts. Text messages that end with a period are perceived to be less sincere than messages that do not, according to newly published research from Binghamton University. A tea...
15-07-29 China plans to extend the toll period on highways. The toll period for government-financed highways will not be expired until the local governments totally pay back the debt. 中国计划延长高速公路收费期,政府收费公路的收费期限以当地政府偿还所有债务所...
13-12-24 When a woman ends a heartbreaking relationship, she may give up dating with the opposite sex for a temporary period in an attempt to enhance her overall well-being, including her mental health and her physical appearance. This is called boytox perio...
13-01-24 A study finds that in the 10 days before their periods began women were more likely to go on a spending spree, which is called shopping period . Psychologists believe shopping could be a way for premenstrual women to deal with the negative emotions...
12-10-02 A NEW contraceptive pill that lets women go four months without a period will go on sale this week. 一种可以让女性四个月只来一次月经的新型避孕药将于本周上市发售。 Yaz Flex comes in packs of 120 pills and women who use it continuously will have three...