日期:2023-08-07 Mice Sensing Leptin Stave Off Diabetes In a study in the journal Cell Metabolism, mice given the ability to sense the hormone leptin ate less, exercised more, and had better blood sugar profiles. Karen Hopkin reports Full Transcript [The following i... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 Bacteria on the Skin Youre In In a study in the journal Science, researchers found that different skin regions harbor very different kinds of bacteria. Karen Hopkin reports Full Transcript [The following is an exact transcript of this podcast.] Have... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 Our Bodies, Our Brains Recent studies have shown that moving our body in certain ways can improve our ability to think. Christie Nicholson reports Full Transcript [Below is the original script. But a few changes may have been made during the recordi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 Bad Mileage Driving Tips In response to Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburns critique of new federal mileage standards as a threat to personal freedom, some tips on turning even a high-mileage vehicle into a gas hog. Steve Mirsky reports Full Transcript [The f... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 The Truth about Cats and Dogs Scientific American magazine Editor in Chief John Rennie talks about the contents of the June issue, including articles on the evolution of cats and the physiology of sled dogs. Plus, well test your knowledge of some re... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 Is Organic Really Better? Is organic better for you and the environment? David Biello reports Full Transcript [Below is the original script. But a few changes may have been made during the recording of this audio podcast.] What started as a counterc... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 Human Speech Genes Mimicked in Mice In a study in the journal Cell, researchers humanized a mouse gene--the human counterpart of which is thought to be related to speech--and the mice vocalized differently. Steve Mirsky reports, with additional comm... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 Cancer Drugs May Also Treat Alcoholism A study in the journal Cell shows that some fruit flies are genetically disposed to dislike drinking alcohol. And some anticancer drugs mimic the effect--which points to the possibility of those drugs treating... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 Weak Have Stronger Hearing A study presented May 21st at the meeting of the Acoustical Society of America finds that smaller, scrawnier people seem to have more sensitive hearing than the big and buff. Karen Hopkin reports Full Transcript [The follo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 Rice for Nice, Low-Price Ice Refrigerator vacuum panels made from the ash of burned rice husks won University of Michigan students first prize in the M.I.T. Clean Energy contest. Cynthia Graber reports Full Transcript [The following is an exact tran... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 Perfect Pitch Related to Language A study presented May 21st at the meeting of the Acoustical Society of America finds that fluent speakers of tonal languages, such as Cantonese, are much more likely to have perfect pitch than are speakers of Englis... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-08-07 Solar Forecasts and Climate Change [Below is the original script. Some changes may have been made during the recording of this audio podcast.] Ultimately, global warming can be blamed on the sun. Its the suns light that bathes the Earth and then get... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-12-31 据英国《卫报》12月27日报道,科学家开发出了一种可以诊断阿尔茨海默病的新型血液测试,英媒报道称,该测试较传统方法更经济,并可更早发现疾... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-12-12 12月4日20时09分,神舟十四号载人飞船返回舱在东风着陆场成功着陆,现场医监医保人员确认航天员陈冬、刘洋、蔡旭哲身体状态良好,神舟十四号载人飞行任务取得圆满成功。 Shenzhou-14s return capsule, carrying astronauts Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe, touched... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-11-28 医科学生们在利用全息影像学习新技能,这在世界上尚属首次。他们能够使用增强现实头盔装置治疗并与逼真的虚拟患者互动,而不用担心出错。 In whats being claimed as a world first by the people involved, medical students in Cambridge are using holograms to bet... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-11-28 这是生物学领域最雄心勃勃的项目之一:科学家们想为英国和爱尔兰发现的每一种有机体DNA测序。 The project called the Darwin Tree of Life is an immense undertaking. Scientists are collecting the DNA from every species of animal, plants and fungi as well as... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-11-28 美国研究人员表示,猪在死亡一小时后,其器官又恢复了生机,这是一项有望改变医学的突破。 The technology is based around a synthetic fluid. It uses artificial blood to carry oxygen and prevent clots forming. And it contains 13 chemicals to support the bo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-11-28 科学家们发明了一种名为 去墨打印机 的特殊装置,它可以吸走打印纸上的墨水,这样每张纸就可以使用十次。他们希望通过减少对办公用纸的需求来降低制浆造纸业的二氧化碳排放量。 Making paper takes lots of energy, and the pulp and paper industry is a huge emitter... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-11-28 英国牛津大学的科学家们已经研发出一种有望 改变世界 的疟疾疫苗。该团队表示,初期试验结果显示此疫苗对疟疾有80%的保护,他们希望能在明年推出此疫苗。 It looks increasingly likely that Oxford Universitys malaria jab is the real deal. A highly effective vac... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-11-28 英国莱斯特大学的科学家们开发了一种从旧太阳能电池板中回收金属银的新方法。 Both silver and aluminium are typically recovered from solar panels which have reached the end of their useful lives. The metals are then reused. For that though scientists nor... 阅读全文>>

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