• 核旅游业近期较火爆

    11-04-02 Peek into a 320-foot blast crater in the Nevada desert or descend a Titan II missile silo in Arizona for a look at two of many atomic tourism sites around the world that offer history and sometimes lessons from the deadly aftermath of the nuclear ag...

  • 东京樱花在阴霾中延期盛开

    11-04-02 东京的樱花于本周一正式进入花季,可是因为大地震和海啸以及核电站危机的影响,往年那些欢庆和祈福的场面都已不见了踪影,部分东京市民表示正在考虑取消原定的赏花活动。 Cherry blossoms are in bloom at Tokyo's Yasukuni Shrine Monday, March 28, 2011. Tokyo's ch...

  • 萨科奇呼吁规范核安全标准

    11-04-01 French President Nicolas Sarkozy has called for clear international standards on nuclear safety in light of the ongoing crisis at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. 鉴于目前日本正在发生的福岛核电站辐射危机,法国总统尼古拉萨科奇呼吁对核安全制定...

  • 福岛附近海水辐射指数升高

    11-03-30 Seawater near Japan's crippled nuclear reactors is said to have a much higher level of radioactive iodine than previously reported. 日本福岛核电站附近海域,放射性碘的含量远高于之前报道的数据。 Water near the Fukushima Daiichi plant's reactor 1 conta...

  • 日本进入核辐射最高警戒状态

    11-03-29 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has said his government is in a state of maximum alert over the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. 日本首相菅直人称,其政府对福岛核电站保持着最高的警戒状态。 Japan is in for the long haul in coping with nuclear fallo...

  • 台湾日式料理店提供辐射侦测服务

    11-03-26 One of Taiwan's top Japanese restaurants is offering diners the use of a radiation gauge before they eat in case of any nerves in the wake of Japan's nuclear disaster. 台湾的一家顶级日本料理店将为食客在进餐前提供辐射侦测服务,以安抚日本核灾难可能引...

  • 日本核泄漏致辐射探测器销量大增

    11-03-26 日本核危机发生以来,美国各地的辐射侦测器销量大增,很多销售点的存货都已受控,新货订单都排到了几周以后。 Since Japans nuclear crisis started, Tim Flanegins phone has barely stopped ringing with orders for Geiger counters, the radiation detectors, to t...

  • 日本继续修复反应堆冷却系统

    11-03-24 Engineers have resumed work to restore the cooling system of reactor 3 at Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, reports say. 据报道,日本福岛核电站的工程师们正全力修复3号反应堆的冷却系统。 The Tokyo Electric Power Company had suspe...

  • 欧洲天文台发现两颗棕矮星

    11-03-24 Brown dwarfs are essentially failed stars: they lack enough mass for gravity to trigger the nuclear reactions that make stars shine. The newly discovered brown dwarf, identified as CFBDSIR 1458+10B, is the dimmer member of a binary(二元的) brown d...

  • 日本对核泄漏地区生产的食品进行限制

    11-03-23 Japan has announced new restrictions on food from areas affected by radiation leaks from its stricken nuclear plant. 日本政府宣布对受核辐射影响的地区所生产的食品进行限制。 Works at the Fukushima Daiichi plant are spraying water on the damaged reacto...