• 日本核泄漏救援工作积极有效

    11-03-21 The United Nations nuclear agency says there have been positive developments in Japan's efforts to tackle a nuclear emergency after the 11 March quake. 联合国原子能机构称,日本在对待311大地震所引发的核泄漏所做的救援工作是富有成效的。 The IAEA said s...

  • 核辐射致蔓延 东京变“鬼城”

    11-03-20 Areas of Tokyo usually packed with office workers like sushi restaurants and noodle shops were eerily quiet. Many schools were closed. Companies allowed workers to stay home. Long queues formed at airports. 在东京,往日挤满上班族的寿司店和面馆如今静...

  • 日本核泄漏致邻国碘片脱销

    11-03-20 日本大地震及海啸引发核泄露事故后,与受灾地区相邻的国家和地区近日出现了抢购碘化钾(即碘片)的热潮。 Japan's nuclear crisis is spiking demand in the U.S. and a few other places for a cheap drug that can protect against one type of radiation damage eve...

  • 日本核泄漏使各国慎对核项目

    11-03-20 日本福岛核电站因地震和海啸发生爆炸,受此警示,欧盟一些国家宣布暂停新建核设施项目。不过,也有专家和官员表示,虽然各国的核设施发展会因此而减慢,但鉴于各国不断增长的能源需求,核能发展不可能就此停止。 Switzerland freezes plans to build new nuclear plant...

  • 日本工程师成功连接核反应堆

    11-03-18 Engineers at Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant have managed to lay a cable to reactor 2, the UN's nuclear watchdog reports. 据联合国核监督机构报告,日本福岛核电站的工程师已设法用电缆连接上2号反应堆。 Restoring power should enable engine...

  • 日本全力冷却核反应堆

    11-03-17 Japan says it is stepping up efforts to cool reactors at the tsunami-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. 日本政府称,正在想方设法使福岛核电站反应堆冷却下来。 Army helicopters dumped tonnes of water to try to prevent a meltdown of fuel rods. Wa...

  • 德国暂时关闭七座核电站

    11-03-16 Germany has temporarily shut down seven of its nuclear power plants while it reconsiders its nuclear strategy. 德国暂停七座核电站的运行,将重新考虑其核策略。 Germany had decided to prolong the life of its nuclear power plants Chancellor Angela Merke...

  • 救援工人撤离福岛核电站

    11-03-16 A rise in radiation levels at Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear plant has forced workers to suspend operations, a government spokesman says. 一位日本政府发言人称,福岛核电站不断上升的辐射水平迫使工人停止救援工作。 It is unclear what produced the wh...

  • 朝鲜欲重启六方会谈

    11-03-15 North Korea has told Russia's deputy foreign minister Alexei Borodavkin that it is ready to discuss its nuclear enrichment plans at six-party talks. 朝鲜政府向俄罗斯外交部副部长波洛达夫金透漏,朝鲜已准备在六方会谈中讨论核浓缩计划。 The issue is one...

  • 日本电力供应可能中断

    11-03-14 Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan has warned that the shutdown of several nuclear reactors is likely to lead to a shortfall in electricity supply. 日本首相菅直人警告道,几座核电站的关闭将有可能导致电力供应不足。 There have been 11 nuclear reactors sh...