• 智利总统呼吁灾民保持镇静

    10-03-03 Chile's president has appealed for calm in the earthquake-ravaged city of Concepcion, vowing a stern response to any renewal of looting and violence. 智利总统呼吁康赛普西翁城的受灾群众保持镇静,并郑重宣告将对任何抢劫、暴力行动采取严厉措施。 Troops a...

  • 日本提升海啸预警信号

    10-03-01 Japan has lifted all tsunami alerts throughout the country, almost two days after a powerful earthquake hit Chile. 大地震袭击智利两天之后,日本在全国范围内发布海啸预警。 A tsunami more than one metre (3 feet) high hit the country's northern Pacific...

  • 智利展开震后紧急救援工作

    10-03-01 Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has announced emergency measures to deal with the destruction caused by Saturday's massive earthquake. 针对智利上周六发生的大地震,总统米歇尔巴奇莱特宣布实行紧急措施处理由地震带来的破坏。 Tsunami spreads through P...

  • 智利发生大地震 受灾人数两百万人

    10-02-28 Two million people have been affected by the massive earthquake that struck central Chile on Saturday, President Michelle Bachelet has said. 智利总统米歇尔巴奇莱特称,星期六发生的大地震使智利中部地区受到破坏,受灾人数两百多万人。 Concepcion, in sout...

  • 地震专家发布海地地震破坏评估报告

    10-02-23 A five-person team sent to evaluate(鉴定,评估) damage from the devastating magnitude-7 earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan. 12 found no surface evidence of the fault that might have caused the quake, but installed four instruments to measure afte...

  • 联合国将对海地进行史上最高记录的捐助

    10-02-19 The United Nations has increased its humanitarian appeal for Haiti to $1.44bn (929m) - an all-time high. 联合国对海地的人道主义援助增加至14.4亿美元有史以来最高的一次援助。 More than one million people were left homeless by the quake Special envoy Bi...

  • 海地某男子“废墟下存活27天”

    10-02-09 The family of a Haitian man says he has survived four weeks under rubble since the devastating earthquake that struck on 12 January. 一位海地男子的家人称,1月12日海地大地震发生之后,该男子在废墟下存活了四星期之久。 Doctors said the 28-year-old man w...

  • 美国将恢复海地空中医疗救援

    10-02-01 The United States will resume within hours emergency evacuation flights for critically injured Haitian quake victims, the White House has said. 白宫发言人称,美国将会为受重伤的海地地震受害者重新恢复数小时内空中紧急救援计划。 Hundreds of quake victim...

  • 震后两星期,海地某男子奇迹生还

    10-01-27 A man has been pulled alive from the rubble in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince - two weeks after the earthquake that destroyed the city. 海地大地震发生两星期之后,救援队在太子港某处废墟下发现一名生还男子。 Rico Dibrivell was rescued from the rubb...

  • 科学家评估海地发生大余震的可能性

    10-01-27 A team funded by the National Science Foundation国家科学基金 (NSF) is returning to Haiti this week to investigate the cause of the January 12, magnitude 7 earthquake there. The geologists will collect crucial决定性的,重要的 data to assess whether t...