• 海啸预警系统建设完成

    10-12-27 Six years after the tsunami disaster of 26/12/2004, the set-up of the German-Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System for the Indian Ocean (GITEWS) has been completed. The project ends on 31 March 2011. After that, Indonesia accepts the sole responsi...

  • 日本小笠原群岛海域发生7.4级地震

    10-12-22 A 7.4-magnitude earthquake has struck in the Pacific Ocean off southern Japan, the US Geological Survey (USGS) says. 美国地质勘探局称,日本南部太平洋海域发生7.4级地震。 The epicentre of the earthquake was 155km (95 miles) off the Bonin Islands, some...

  • 飓风袭击圣卢西亚 14人丧生

    10-11-03 At least 14 people are now known to have died on the Caribbean island of St Lucia after Hurricane Tomas triggered landslides, officials say. 官员称,飓风托马斯袭击加勒比岛国圣卢西亚并造成泥石流,至少14人丧生。 Tourism minister Allan Chastanet told l...

  • 精确找到火山喷发的位置可能将成为现实

    10-09-27 A better way to pinpoint where volcanic eruptions(火山喷发) are likely to occur has been produced by an international team of geophysicists(地球物理学者) . Scientists from the universities of Leeds, Purdue, Indiana and Addis Ababa, investigated...

  • 暴风雨袭击海地 5人丧生

    10-09-26 Five Haitian refugees have been killed as a storm overtook the impoverished country still recovering from the January earthquake, media report. 媒体报道,一场暴风雨袭击了正处于一月大地震中恢复时期中贫困的海地,五人丧生。 The rainstorm passed over th...

  • 新研究可帮助鉴别智利地震人类遗体

    10-09-15 New research from North Carolina State University will help medical examiners(验尸员,体检医生) and others identify human remains of those killed during the recent earthquake in Chile, as well as the bodies of the disappeared who were killed durin...

  • 地质构造“拉链”

    10-09-10 The complex fracture pattern created by the earthquake in Concepcin (Chile) on 27 February 2010 was to a certain extent predictable(可预言的) . GPS observations from the years before the earthquake showed the pattern of stresses that had accumulat...

  • 克赖斯特彻奇遭受强烈地震余震

    10-09-08 The New Zealand city of Christchurch has suffered its most damaging aftershock since a powerful earthquake at the weekend. 新西兰城市克赖斯特彻奇遭受了自上周末大地震以来最严重的一次余震。 Christchurch faces a massive rebuilding programme after the e...

  • 地震相关词汇

    10-08-31 地震 aftershock 余震 epicenter 震中 magnitude 震级 earthquake monitoring 地震监控 earthquake wave / seismic wave 地震波 earth tremor 轻微地震 Richter Scale(1-10) 里氏震级 at a scale of 7 on the Richter calculations 里氏7级地震 seismology 地震学 哀悼...

  • 中国举行全国哀悼日 纪念地震死者

    10-04-21 China is holding a national day of mourning for victims of the powerful earthquake in Qinghai province. 中国为青海玉树地震伤亡者举行全国哀悼日。 Near the quake's epicentre, at the town of Gyegu, the relief effort continues Flags are flying at half m...