• 日本电力供应可能中断

    11-03-14 Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan has warned that the shutdown of several nuclear reactors is likely to lead to a shortfall in electricity supply. 日本首相菅直人警告道,几座核电站的关闭将有可能导致电力供应不足。 There have been 11 nuclear reactors sh...

  • 地震使日本股市下跌4.5%

    11-03-14 Japanese shares have tumbled on the first trading day after the massive earthquake and tsunami that hit the country's northeast shore. 受大地震和海啸的影响,日本股市灾后第一个交易日大跌。 The benchmark Nikkei 225 Index fell 6% to 9,632.18, while the...

  • 福岛核电站再次发生爆炸

    11-03-14 A second explosion has hit the nuclear plant in Japan that was damaged in Friday's earthquake. 上周五日本发生的特大地震已使福岛核电站发生第二次爆炸。 Residents of the coastal city of Sendai are continuing the search for survivors amid the devastatio...

  • 日本沿海发生7.2级地震

    11-03-09 An earthquake of 7.2 magnitude has struck off the coast of Japan, shaking buildings in the capital, Tokyo, and triggering a small tsunami. 日本沿海一带遭受一场7.2级的地震,造成东京市内建筑摇晃并诱发一场小型海啸。 The tremor was centred 168km (104 mi...

  • 新西兰地震雷达图制作完成

    11-03-08 The upheaval wrought by the 22 February earthquake in Christchurch, NZ, is illustrated in new radar imagery. 2月22日新西兰城市克赖斯特彻奇大地震的雷达图像已经制作完成。 The coloured bands, or fringes, represent movement towards or away from the spac...

  • 新西兰为地震逝者举行默哀仪式

    11-03-01 New Zealand has held a two-minute silence exactly a week after the devastating Christchurch earthquake. 克赖斯特彻奇毁灭性地震发生一周之际,新西兰举行一场时长为两分钟的默哀仪式。 Engineers say at least a third of the buildings in the centre of Chris...

  • 智利举行地震纪念仪式

    11-02-28 Chileans have been marking the anniversary of last year's earthquake, which killed more than 500 people and left hundreds of thousands homeless. 智利正在举行去年大地震的纪念仪式,此次地震造成500多人死亡、成千上万人流离失所。 Commemorations(纪念,庆...

  • 新西兰救援人员坚持搜寻地震生还者

    11-02-24 New Zealand rescuers say they are continuing to search for survivors in the aftermath of Tuesday's powerful earthquake in Christchurch. 新西兰的救援人员称,他们将在克赖斯特彻奇市继续寻找地震生还者。该市在周二曾发生强烈地震。 Foreign specialist rescu...

  • 海地举行地震一周年纪念仪式

    11-01-13 Haitians have been marking the first anniversary of the earthquake that devastated their country and left some 250,000 of their fellow citizens dead. 海地举行地震一周年纪念仪式,此次地震将海地完全摧毁并造成大约25万人死亡。 A minute's silence was hel...

  • 海地总理批评灾后重建工作不够公开

    10-12-28 The prime minister of Haiti has criticised the international community for not allowing his country to play a bigger role in its own reconstruction following last January's earthquake. 海地总理批评国际社会在一月地震之后没有给予海地更多的机会参与灾后...