• 丰田本年度财政收入将大幅下跌

    11-06-10 Japanese car giant Toyota has said it expects profits for this financial year to be sharply lower than last year, due in large part to the massive earthquake in March that disrupted production. 日本汽车巨头丰田称,受三月大地震的影响,本年度财政收入...

  • 日本首相菅直人将辞职

    11-06-02 Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan has survived a no-confidence motion brought by MPs critical of his handling of the earthquake and tsunami disaster. 日本首相菅直人对地震和海啸的处理方式引起议会不满,议会因此对其进行不信任动议,菅直人勉强通过。 Naot...

  • 意科学家因未成功预测地震被起诉

    11-05-29 Seven scientists and other experts were indicted on manslaughter charges Wednesday for allegedly failing to sufficiently warn residents before a devastating earthquake that killed more than 300 people in central Italy in 2009. 周三,意大利7名科学家...

  • 美某宗教领袖称5·21为“审判日”

    11-05-21 美国某宗教组织领袖近日大肆向人们宣传,称今年5月21日为世界的审判日,届时将发生特大地震,地球末日随之来临。 Say goodbye to your loved ones, repent(后悔,忏悔) your sins and enjoy your last few days on earth because, if a US Christian group is to be...

  • 日本第一季度经济严重收缩

    11-05-19 Japan, the world's third largest economy, contracted sharply in the first three months of the year, after a tsunami and earthquake caused devastation in March. 日本,世界第三大经济体,受三月地震和海啸的影响,2011年第一季度经济严重收缩。 Gross domest...

  • 日本研发出手机地震预警系统

    11-04-29 In what has become a too-familiar experience in Tokyo, a crowded subway train screeches to a sudden halt. From around the car, mobile phones start to ring. 乘坐拥挤的地铁时发生地震在东京是再寻常不过的事情了。在地铁急刹车时,车厢内各个角落的手机开始...

  • 日本三月销售额大幅下降

    11-04-27 Retail sales in Japan plunged in March as consumers stayed away from shops in the wake of last month's earthquake and tsunami. 受上月大地震和海啸的影响,日本三月份零售销售额大幅下降。 Japanese consumers have refrained from spending in the aftermath...

  • 日本丰田工厂三月产量下降63%

    11-04-25 Toyota Motors has said that its Japanese production fell by 63% in March compared with the same month last year, as its production cuts continued. 丰田汽车公司称,三月份日本工厂的生产量比去年同期降低63%,且其产量将会继续下降。 The company has been f...

  • 日本划定福岛撤离区为禁区

    11-04-21 Japan has made it illegal to enter a 20km (12-mile) evacuation zone around the stricken Fukushima nuclear reactor. 日本规定,私自进入福岛核电站方圆20公里的撤离区为非法行为。 Residents will be allowed brief supervised visits home to collect belonging...

  • 日本警方进入无人区搜寻遇难者

    11-04-15 Japanese police have begun searching for victims of the 11 March earthquake and tsunami within a 10km zone around the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant. 日本警方开始在福岛核电站方圆10公里的范围内搜寻311地震、海啸的遇难者。 Up to 1,000 bodies are thoug...