• 海地政府“有能力领导灾后重建”

    10-01-26 Haiti's government can lead efforts to rebuild the country in the wake of its devastating earthquake, Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive has said. 海地总理让马克斯贝勒里夫称,海地政府有能力领导地震灾后重建工作。 But Mr Bellerive told a meeting of wor...

  • 太子港地区地震死亡人数达15万

    10-01-25 The confirmed death toll from Haiti's devastating earthquake has risen above 150,000 in the Port-au-Prince area alone, a government minister has said. 海地一位政府大臣称,仅太子港地区的确定死亡人数就达到了15万人。 Hundreds of Haitians joined open-ai...

  • The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund

    10-01-23 PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good morning, everybody. In times of great challenge in our country and around the world, Americans have always come together to lend a hand帮助 and to serve others and to do what's right. That's what the American people have been d...

  • 太子港震后抢掠频发

    10-01-23 海地地震发生后,首都太子港屡有抢掠事件发生,治安状况令人堪忧。因当地一所大型监狱在地震中被毁,目前有数千名监狱犯人下落不明,部分安全逃出的犯人已被再次拘捕。另外,由于海港、公路及其它基础设施被毁,导致各国运往海地的救援物资滞留机场无法迅速下发到各地...

  • 海地将在首都周围安置40万灾民

    10-01-22 Haiti is planning to house 400,000 earthquake survivors in new tented villages outside the capital, Port-au-Prince, officials have announced. 海地政府计划在首都太子港外围新建的帐篷村落安置40万地震灾民。 At least 500,000 people are living in improvis...

  • 美国向海地额外派遣4000名军队

    10-01-21 The US is sending another 4,000 sailors and marines to Haiti for the earthquake relief effort, diverting them from deployments in the Gulf and Africa. 美国向海地派遣另一批总数4000人的海员和陆战军队来进行地震救援工作,这批人员是从海湾地区和非洲调遣过...

  • 美国部队深入海地灾区进行救援工作

    10-01-20 US troops are fanning out across Haiti as aid operations gather momentum, a week after the devastating earthquake. 海地大地震一星期之后,美国部队在海地灾区成扇形展开救援行动。 UN officials said aid distribution分配,分布 points were being set up in...

  • 美国向海地灾区空投水和食物

    10-01-19 The US military has begun airdropping water and food into earthquake-hit Haiti, after earlier ruling out such a delivery method as too risky. 在排除空投危险性后,美国军方已开始向海地地震灾区空投水和食物。 Airdrops were earlier ruled out amid fears t...

  • 塞内加尔向海地灾民提供居住地

    10-01-18 Senegal's president says he will offer free land and repatriation to people affected by the earthquake in Haiti. 塞内加尔总统称,他将向海地灾民提供免费的土地和返回祖国的机会。 Abdoulaye Wade said Haitians could return to their origin President Abdou...

  • 联合国秘书长呼吁海地灾民保持耐心

    10-01-18 UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has appealed to frustrated Haitians to be patient over efforts to bring them relief from last Tuesday's earthquake. 联合国秘书长潘基文呼吁无助的海地人民要对提供给他们的援助保持耐心。 Aid workers say relief efforts救...