• post-crisis development model 后危机时代发展模式

    12-08-29 Jiang Yi, an expert on Russian studies with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that regional countries are seeking a post-crisis development model . 中国社会科学院俄罗斯研究所专家姜毅指出,区域各国正在寻求一个后危机时代的发展模式。 文中的p...

  • 希腊新总理萨马拉斯宣誓就职

    12-06-21 Antonis Samaras has vowed to give hope to the Greek people, moments after being sworn in as prime minister. 安东尼斯萨马拉斯宣誓成为希腊新总理,随后他立誓会给希腊人民希望。 His party, New Democracy, has forged a coalition with the Socialists (Pasok)...

  • 地球物种大灭绝后再恢复需要千万年

    12-05-31 It took some 10 million years for Earth to recover from the greatest mass extinction of all time, latest research has revealed. Life was nearly wiped out 250 million years ago, with only 10 per cent of plants and animals surviving. It is currently m...

  • 意大利发生两起自焚事件

    12-03-30 Italians have been left shocked by two cases of men setting themselves on fire in the past two days in protest at their financial hardship. 两名意大利男子在过去的两天中因对自身经济困难不满而点火自焚,这两起事件震惊了意大利人。 A 58-year-old builder...

  • 比利时新政府宣告成立

    11-12-07 Belgium has sworn in a new government, ending a record-breaking 541 days of political deadlock. 比利时新政府宣布成立,结束了破记录的长达541天的政治僵局。 The swearing-in ceremony at the royal palace was televised live New Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo...

  • 萨科奇与默克尔将商讨债务危机问题

    11-12-05 French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are to meet to agree on joint proposals aimed at resolving the eurozone debt crisis. 法国总统萨科奇与德国总理默克尔将要会面商讨解决欧盟债务危机的联合提议。 'Merkozy' - the French a...

  • 亚洲股市持续好转

    11-11-29 Asian stock markets have continued to rally after strong gains in the US and Europe on Monday. 本周一美国与欧盟的会谈使亚洲股市行情持续好转。 Japan's Nikkei and South Korea's Kospi indexes closed up 2.3%, while Hong Kong's Hang Seng traded 1.4% high...

  • 英德首脑将商讨债务危机问题

    11-11-18 David Cameron is to hold talks with Angela Merkel on the European debt crisis, which is causing sharp differences between the UK and Germany. 大卫卡梅伦将与安吉拉默克尔就欧盟债务危机举行会谈,此次债务危机对英国和德国造成的影响明显不同。 David Camero...

  • 意大利债务危机导致亚洲股市下跌

    11-11-10 Asian shares fell on Thursday after Italy's record-high cost of borrowing renewed fears over the eurozone debt crisis. 意大利创记录的政府公债以及欧盟债务危机导致周四亚洲股市下滑。 Japan's Nikkei index fell 2.9%, South Korea's Kospi shed 3.8% while H...

  • 意总理贝卢斯科尼“几天内”将辞职

    11-11-10 Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi will step down within a few days, the country's president has said. 意大利总统称,总理贝卢斯科尼将在几天内下台。 Giorgio Napolitano said he wished to dispel(驱散,消除) any doubt or misunderstanding on when the prime m...