• 国际货币组织要求意大利切实削减开支

    11-07-13 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has asked Italy to ensure decisive implementation of spending cuts to reduce the country's debt. 国际国币基金组织要求意大利保证削减开支的切实执行以减少其债务。 Its comments come as concerns continue that Italy m...

  • 精神疾病相关研究“资金短缺”

    11-06-15 Scientists say research into mental illnesses such as depression is facing a funding crisis. 科学家称对诸如抑郁症之类的精神病的研究面临资金短缺的状况。 Scientists fear the cost of getting drugs to the market place is holding back brain research They...

  • 近期的财政危机由信贷政策失误引起

    11-06-03 A common reading of the recent subprime mortgage crisis(次贷危机) pins the blame on bankers and loan brokers who extended mortgages to those who could not afford them, thereby inflating a housing bubble that was destined to burst. While technicall...

  • 很多年轻人正遭遇“青年危机”

    11-05-17 They may still be in the prime of their lives - but for many young adults, their 20s and 30s are now a time of panic and self-doubt as they suffer a 'quarter-life crisis'. 很多20和30多岁的年轻人也许还处于人生的黄金时期,但因为遭遇青年危机,他们正在...

  • 2010年末 新西兰经济略有增长

    11-03-24 New Zealand's economy grew slightly in the last three months of the year, managing to avoid a recession. 2010年第四季度,新西兰经济略有增长,成功避免了一场经济危机。 Gross domestic product expanded 0.2% in the three months to the end of December, ac...

  • 象牙海岸内乱使45万人沦为难民

    11-03-13 More than 450,000 people have fled their homes because of the crisis in Ivory Coast, the UN refugee agency says. 联合国难民署称,象牙海岸政治危机已使超过45万人背井离乡。 Dead bodies were being eaten by dogs in the streets of the main city, Abidjan a...

  • “帕客”怎么说

    10-12-16 The Chinese term pa ke(handkerchief advocator) became popular after one of China's online messaging service providers launched a handkerchief design campaign last year to encourage the use of handkerchiefs to protect the environment. The winner will...

  • 中美战略经济对话

    10-12-16 China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue 中美战略经济对话 opening ceremony 开幕式 closing remarks 闭幕辞 high-level dialogue 高层对话 economic cooperation 经济合作 government procurement 政府采购 hi-tech goods 高科技产品 hi-tech export 高科技出口 hi...

  • 泰国红衫军内乱相关词汇

    10-12-16 Red Shirt demonstrators/protesters 红衫军(主要由泰国穷人组成,被称为have-not或commoner) unseat Prime Minister 让总理下台 immediate elections 直接选举 dissolution of Parliament/dissolve the Parliament 解散议会 military strategist 军事战略家 interce...

  • 爱尔兰公布财政紧缩计划

    10-11-25 The Irish government has unveiled a range of tough austerity measures designed to help solve the country's debt crisis. 爱尔兰政府公布了一系列旨在解决国家债务危机的紧缩措施。 Among the spending cuts and tax rises are a reduction in the minimum wage,...