• G20 二十国集团

    15-05-11 二十国集团(the Group of Twenty, G20 )由19个国家(阿根廷Argentina, 澳大利亚Australia, 巴西Brazil, 加拿大Canada, 中国China, 法国France, 德国Germany, 印度India, 印度尼西亚Indonesia, 意大利Italy, 日本Japan, 韩国South Korea, 墨西哥Mexico, 俄罗斯Russia,...

  • 金融危机促使中东欧二手服装店生意兴隆

    14-11-10 The global financial crisis hit hard in central and eastern Europe, but one industry has thrived: second-hand clothing stores. 全球金融危机重创了中欧和东欧,但二手服装店的生意却兴隆起来。 While in western Europe the squeeze on household finances pro...

  • 2008年以来亿万富翁的数量增长两倍多

    14-10-30 The number of billionaires in the world has more than doubled since the global financial crisis the charity Oxfam said in a new report released on Wednesday (October 29). 牛津饥荒救济委员会周三(10月29日)发布的一份报告中称,自2008年全球金融危机爆发...

  • 拜登讲话 为中产阶级提供机会

    14-09-12 Ladies and gentlemen, this is Joe Biden, I'm filling in for President Obama, while he addresses the NATO summit in Wales. When the President and I took office in January of 2009, this nation was in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the...

  • 经济危机在欧洲和北美造成一万多人自杀

    14-06-12 The economic crisis in Europe and North America led to more than 10,000 extra suicides, according to figures from UK researchers. 英国研究人员的统计数据显示,经济危机在欧洲和北美造成了10000多起自杀事件。 A study, published in the British Journal of...

  • 英国两王子投身抗洪救灾工作

    14-02-20 英国《每日邮报》网站报道,2月14日,威廉和哈里王子前往洪水危机前线,投身抗洪救灾工作。 Princes William and Harry today joined the flood relief effort by helping soldiers to lay sandbags in Datchet. The brothers secretly joined members of Harry's Hous...

  • 阿根廷比索遭遇近十年最大跌幅

    14-01-24 Argentina's currency, the peso, has seen its sharpest one-day fall since the country's 2002 financial crisis. 阿根廷货币,比索,遭遇了该国2002年财政危机以来最严重的单日跌幅。 The peso fell 11% to stand at an official rate of eight pesos to the dolla...

  • 希腊经济危机间接导致空气污染加剧

    13-12-25 In the midst of a winter cold snap(寒潮) , a study from researchers in the United States and Greece reveals an overlooked side effect of economic crisis -- dangerous air quality caused by burning cheaper fuel for warmth. The researchers, led by Co...

  • 委内瑞拉总统获特殊权力

    13-11-20 Venezuela's National Assembly has given final approval to special powers for President Nicolas Maduro. 委内瑞拉国民大会对总统尼古拉斯马杜罗的特殊权力给予最终认可。 Nicolas Maduro, right, signed the bill watched by National Assembly President Diosdad...

  • 经济危机可能导致自杀率上升

    13-09-18 The recent economic crisis could be to blame for an increase in suicide rates in Europe and America, say experts. 专家称,近期欧美国家自杀率上升可能与经济危机有关。 Their analysis in the British Medical Journal looked at data from 54 countries to as...