10-07-20 A former North Korean spy who blew up a South Korean airliner two decades ago killing 115 people has been allowed into Japan. 二十年前一名曾经引爆韩国班机杀死115人的前朝鲜间谍被允许入境日本。 Security is tight for the visit to Japan of Kim Hyon-hui,...
10-05-18 South African journalists say they have smuggled dangerous items onto domestic flights in hand luggage ahead of next month's football World Cup. 南非新闻记者称,世界杯足球赛下月即将开赛,他们已通过手提行李的方式将危险品带入国内航班。 South Africa ha...
10-05-05 Details have emerged of how the suspect in the attempted bombing of New York's Times Square was arrested just minutes before leaving the country. 纽约时代广场爆炸未遂案的嫌疑人正要离开美国的时候遭到逮捕,日前此案的一些细节已经浮现。 Police traced Mr...
10-04-26 The first passenger flight between Iraq and the UK for 20 years has landed at London Gatwick airport. 近20年以来,从伊拉克飞往英国的首架客机降落在伦敦盖特威克机...
10-04-08 A man has been detained after an incident on a flight from Washington's Reagan airport to Denver. 一名男子在从纽约里根机场飞至丹佛的旅程中因恶意制造恐慌而被拘留。 Two F-16 jets were scrambled(攀登,争夺) to intercept(阻止) the plane and escort(...
10-03-27 英国伦敦希思罗机场一名负责操作全身扫描安检仪器的员工对一位误入该扫描区的女同事全裸身体影像拍照,并对其进行了猥亵性的评论。这位女同事发现后立即向上级和警方报告了此事,并称此事对她打击很大,都无法继续工作。目前,这名违规使用安检仪器的员工已收到警方警...
10-02-24 Ailing Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua has returned home secretly after three months' medical treatment in Saudi Arabia, reports say. 有报道称,在沙特接受三个月的治疗之后,尼日利亚总统亚拉杜瓦日前已秘密回国。 President Yar'Adua has been absent fro...
10-01-16 2009年圣诞节阿姆斯特丹飞往美国底特律的飞机爆炸未遂事件使得越来越多的机场开始启用全身扫描安检系统,也就是我们所说的裸检。此举引起了很多隐私维权人士的抗议。上周日,德国海盗党的成员们穿着内衣齐聚在柏林特格尔机场,抗议机场裸检政策。抗议者们在自己的身体...
10-01-08 The icy weather gripping parts of Europe has disrupted flights at airports in the UK, France, the Irish Republic and the Netherlands. 冰冷天气袭击了欧洲部分地区,造成英国、法国、爱尔兰以及荷兰等国家的机场航班受到影响。 Traffic jams around Schiphol a...
09-12-23 An American Airlines plane has overshot the runway on landing at an airport in the Jamaican capital Kingston, in heavy rain, reports say. 报道称,一架美国航空飞机在牙买加首都金斯顿机场降落,因暴雨影响滑出跑道。 Flight AA 331 from Miami, with about 1...