22-10-08 在国外怎么打电话叫车? 很多人在国外还是招手叫车,其实不用这么麻烦的,国外跟国内一样,也有taxi预订服务的,招手拦车太麻烦了,还是电话叫车吧! 那么怎么在电话里跟司机沟通呢?这里有几个例子: When is the soonest I could book a taxi? 我最快什么时候可以订...
22-09-15 Michael Corleone arrived late in the evening and, by his own order, was not met at the airport. Only two men accompanied him: Tom Hagen and a new bodyguard, named Albert Neri. The most lavish suite of rooms in the hotel had been set aside for Michae...
22-04-24 怎样坐飞机最省钱,没有比乘务员更清楚的了。来听一名空姐分享坐飞机的省钱心得吧! If you fly business class, you can usually save by waiting to upgrade at the airport 如果你要坐商务舱,你可以先定经济舱,到了机场再升舱,这样通常更省钱 I know it might so...
22-04-13 20. Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用mind。) 例句:Mind you! Hes a very nice fellow though bad-tempered. 21. You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。 A: Do you think he will come to my birthday party? B: You can count on it. 22. I never liked i...
22-02-21 Step1 首先司机会问你 Where are you going, sir? 先生你要去哪里? Where to? 去哪? Step2 咱们得告诉司机目的地是哪里 Can you take me to the airport, please? Take me to the Carnegie Center, please. 带我去卡内基中心吧。 The Carnegie Center, please. 卡内...
22-01-21 My mother drove me to the airport with the windows rolled down. It wasseventy-five degrees in Phoenix, the sky a perfect, cloudless blue. I waswearing my favorite shirt sleeveless, white eyelet lace; I was wearingit as a farewell gesture. My carry-o...
21-12-28 当某人 comes to the rescue 意思就是及时到达营救解围。这个短语也常常用于形容糟糕的情况而并不一定是生命危机时才能使用。 例句 I left my passport at home and only realised on my way to the airport. Fortunately my friend came to the rescue and drove to t...
21-10-02 每年12月7日是由联合国设立的国际民用航空日(International Civil Aviation Day)。如果你经常乘坐飞机出差、旅行的话,那么不妨试着做一做本集的小测验题,学习六个与航空飞行有关的词汇或表达。 1. Before you fly, you have to do this. You can do it online or a...
21-09-26 9月25日晚,在党和人民亲切关怀和坚定支持下,孟晚舟在结束被加拿大方面近3年的非法拘押后,乘坐中国政府包机(a charter flight organized by the Chinese government)抵达深圳宝安国际机场,顺利回到祖国。 21时50分许,飞机稳稳降落,机场灯火通明,机身上的五星红...
21-09-15 当你听到有人说will be lucky的时候,他们一般是在表达所期待或期望的事情不大可能发生的意思。 这个短语通常有种讽刺意味或听天由命的感觉,可以通俗地理解为你做梦吧;我就想想 。 例句: You were hoping Id come and collect you from the airport after midnight?...