15-03-27 2014 July 17: Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashes near Grabove in eastern Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board, 193 of them Dutch. Pro-Russian rebels are widely accused of shooting the plane down using a surface-to-air missile - they deny resp...
15-03-18 A civil airport located in northwest China's Gobi Desert is to open by early summer. 一座民用机场将于夏初在中国西北戈壁滩对外开放。 According to China West Airport Group, the new facility is about 2,900 meters above sea level, and is located in Huat...
15-03-06 A passenger plane has skidded off the runway at New York's LaGuardia airport. 纽约拉瓜迪亚机场一架客机滑离跑道。 Delta flight 1086 is seen after it slid off the runway upon landing at New York\s LaGuardia Airport March 5, 2015. None of the 132 peopl...
14-12-08 The French government has decided to sell a just under 50 percent stake in the Toulouse Blagnac airport in southwestern France to a Chinese-led consortium in a deal worth close to 380-million US dollars. 法国政府决定将法国西南部的图卢兹机场49%的股份...
14-10-05 There have been more fierce clashes in eastern Ukraine, where pro-Russian separatists are trying to capture Donetsk airport. 乌克兰东部地区发生激烈的武装冲突,亲俄派分离分子试图占领顿涅茨克机...
14-07-20 呼吸空气也要纳税?你没有听错。据外媒报道,委内瑞拉最大的国际机场近日开始征收20美金的清洁空气呼吸税。征收呼吸税是为了支付新安装的用臭氧净化机场内空气的空调系统的费用。 Passengers flying out of Maiquetia International Airport in the Venezuelan capital...
14-07-15 Libya's main international airport has been hit by a new rocket attack a day after fighting forced it to close. 利比亚重要的国际机场遭新一轮的火箭弹袭击,此前一天的冲突已使该机场被迫关闭。 At least one person has died and 12 planes have been damaged...
14-07-14 At least seven people have been killed and 30 hurt in clashes between rival militias at Libya's airport near the capital, Tripoli, officials say. 两伙对立的民兵组织在利比亚首都的黎波里附近的机场发生冲突,造成至少7人死亡、30人受伤。 Rebels from the Z...
14-05-21 Baggravation , blend formed from words bag and aggravation, refers to an exasperated feeling of annoyance and anger one endures at the airport when his/her bags have not arrived at the baggage carousel but everyone else's bags have or his/her luggag...
14-04-15 Australia has approved the construction of a second international airport in Sydney at the cost of $2.4bn. 澳大利亚政府批准在悉尼建设第二座国际机场,耗资24亿美元。 The new facility will be located at Badgerys Creek, in western Sydney. Planning and d...