11-05-28 新西兰惠灵顿机场方面上周六宣布,他们将在惠灵顿的一座山上竖起一块长30米宽8米的标志牌,上面写上Wellywood(惠莱坞)这几个字,希望以这种方式促进当地电影业的发展。美国好莱坞方面则表示,好莱坞这个名称是注册商标,惠莱坞标志属于侵权行为。 Wellington Airport...
11-04-15 Most of Brazil's airports being improved for the World Cup in 2014 will not be ready in time, a report warns. 一份报告警告道,巴西大多数因2014世界杯而装修的机场届时将不会完工。 Many Brazilian airports are already operating above capacity Of 13 termi...
10-12-22 European airports are struggling to help thousands of passengers stranded after severe wintry weather paralysed parts of Europe's transport network. 严寒天气使欧洲部分地区交通瘫痪,各大机场正全力帮助成千上万滞留的旅客。 Trains have taken the strain...
10-12-21 Thousands of flights and train services have been cancelled across Europe because of snow and ice, leaving many travellers stranded. 欧洲数千航班和列车因冰雪天气被迫取消,许多旅客被滞留。 Few flights were leaving London Heathrow, Europe's busiest ai...
10-12-20 The Christmas travel plans of thousands of Britons are in disarray after snow left Heathrow Airport all but shut. 英国希斯罗机场因大雪被迫关闭,数千英国人的圣诞出游计划被打乱。 Many people were forced to sleep at Heathrow overnight Thousands remaine...
10-11-04 An Australian Airbus A380 superjumbo has made an emergency landing in Singapore after experiencing engine trouble following take-off. 一架澳大利亚A380超巨型空中巴士起飞后因遭遇引擎故障而在新加坡迫降。 After landing the A380 was quickly surrounded by...
10-09-20 A British man of Somali origin has been arrested at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on suspicion of being a terrorist, Dutch prosecutors say. 荷兰检察官称,一位索马里出身的英国男子在阿福斯特丹的史基浦机场被怀疑为恐怖分子并遭逮捕。 He had arrived from L...
10-09-10 Suicide bombers have attacked Somalia's main airport in Mogadishu, killing soldiers and civilians, officials say. 索马里官方称,摩加迪休主要机场遭自杀式炸弹袭击,士兵和平民遭到伤害。 The attackers used two cars - the first exploded at the airport en...
10-08-03 Twelve people have now died after a passenger plane crashed as it came in to land in northern Siberia on Monday, the Russian authorities have said. 俄罗斯官员表示,本周一一架客机在西伯利亚北部地区降落的时候发生坠机事故,目前已造成12人死亡。 A passen...
10-07-20 Mexican authorities have arrested a man who was trying to smuggle 18 small monkeys into the country by carrying them in his clothing. 墨西哥当局逮捕一位男子,该男子将18只小猴藏于衣服中,试图带它们走私入境。 The monkeys were rolled up in socks and sl...