21-07-30 7月29日,多地陆续报告有张家界市旅居史的新冠病毒感染人员。当日,张家界市在新闻发布会上宣布,张家界所有景区景点于7月30日上午关闭。 Tourists are advised against going to Zhangjiajie in Central Chinas Hunan province as the city has become another key po...
21-05-18 时态(tense) 是英语语法中的一大难点。尤其是当一个句子中存在不同时态的时候,要想准确地把握句意,就需要理解每个时态的具体用法。我们用过去完成时谈论过去某个时间点之前已经发生的事情。过去完成时的结构是什么?当一句话中,过去完成时和过去时同时出现时,哪...
21-04-30 搭配 stick to something 的意思是 坚持做某件事,它也可以表示 信守承诺。比如,在新年之际,大家都想要 stick to 一直信守 自己的 新年决心 New Years resolutions。 另一个包含单词 stick 的说法是:Stick with it! 。它用来激励人们坚持不懈、不要放弃。 例句 I do...
21-04-26 搭配 get held up 来自 to hold something/someone up。在使用中,通常用其被动形式,即 get held up,用来谈论一件事情因外在原因被耽搁,或者一个人的原有计划受阻,从而导致事情被延误。 注意,get held up 常与介词 by 搭配,后接造成事情延误的具体原因;get held...
21-04-25 固定搭配 set off 的意思是 动身、出发,开始一段旅程。当描述动身所去的地点时,set off 后要接介词 for,即 set off for somewhere 动身前往某地。 例句 If you dont want to get stuck in traffic, you should set off for the beach early in the morning! 如果你...
21-02-01 因噎废食,汉语成语,字面意思是因为吃东西噎住,索性就什么也不吃了(give up eating for fear of choking)。比喻由于出了点小毛病或怕出问题就把应该做的事情停下来不干了。可以翻译为refrain from doing something for fear of a possible risk。与英文俚语throw t...
19-08-13 Tickets for flights at the new Beijing Daxing International Airport are now on sale on the official website of Chinese on-line travel booking giant Qunar. The airport is expected to start operation on September 30. 北京大兴新国际机场航班机票在去哪儿...
19-08-07 China Southern Airlines said Tuesday that it had launched a program of airport lounge-sharing with American Airlines starting from August. 中国南方航空周二宣布,自八月起该公司与美利坚航空公司启动一项机场候机厅共享计划。 Both airlines will provide th...
19-08-07 China Southern Airlines said Tuesday that it had launched a program of airport lounge-sharing with American Airlines starting from August. 中国南方航空周二宣布,自八月起该公司与美利坚航空公司启动一项机场候机厅共享计划。 Both airlines will provide th...
19-08-05 The expanded Ningyuan Airport in the city of Zhangjiakou, north Chinas Hebei province, will begin service by the end of the year. 扩建的张家口宁远机场将于今年年底前投入使用。 Reconstruction and expansion of Ningyuan Airport started in September last...