• 日本喜剧艺人志村健因感染新冠病毒逝世,享年70岁

    20-03-30 因感染新冠病毒于上周住院的日本喜剧艺人志村健逝世,享年70岁。 Japanese comedian Ken Shimura, who was hospitalized last week after being infected with the new coronavirus, has died. He was 70. A household name in Japan since the 1970s, Shimura was a ne...

  • 俄罗斯总统普京2024年以后继续执政

    20-03-26 俄罗斯立法者已批准宪法变更,允许弗拉基米尔普京总统2024年以后继续执政。 Russian lawmakers have approved constitutional changes to permit President Vladimir Putin to remain in power past 2024. Russias lower house of parliament passed the measures Wedn...

  • 新面部识别系统,戴口罩能识别

    20-03-26 一家中国公司表示,它研发了一种新的面部识别系统,即使人们佩戴口罩也可以进行面部识别。当人们佩戴口罩时,识别率可以达到95%左右,这可以确保大多数人都被成功识别。该公司相关负责人称。 A Chinese company says it has created a new facial recognition system t...

  • 因新冠肺炎疫情,美国部分餐饮品牌免费送餐

    20-03-25 随着新冠肺炎疫情的持续,人们被鼓励要远离人群,尽可能待在家里,尤其是那些最容易患病的人。因此,预计会有很大的送餐需求,所以越来越多的公司正在改变策略,尽量保证人们的安全。Chipotle餐厅刚刚宣布3月15日至31日免收配送费,通过Chipotle.com或Chipotle应用程序...

  • Lady Gaga将延迟专辑Chromatica的发行

    20-03-25 由于新冠病毒的爆发,Lady Gaga将延迟专辑Chromatica的发行。 Lady Gaga is delaying the release of her new album Chromatica, because of the coronavirus outbreak. The artist made the announcement on her social media accounts. This is such a hectic and sc...

  • 阿富汗出现双总统

    20-03-25 现任总统阿什拉夫加尼和他的主要竞选对手阿卜杜拉阿卜杜拉都在各自的就职典礼上宣誓就任阿富汗总统。同时,原定于3月10日开始的阿富汗政界人士和塔利班叛乱分子的谈判被搁置,因为双方就一项囚犯交换计划争论不休。 Both the incumbent, Ashraf Ghani, and his main el...

  • 法国跑步爱好者家中阳台上跑完马拉松

    20-03-24 在新冠肺炎疫情期间,一名法国跑步爱好者没有因为法国政府的居家命令而停止马拉松训练。上周,暂时休假在家的32岁餐厅员工以利沙诺科莫维茨在家中23英尺长(约合7米)的阳台上跑完了全程马拉松(42.195公里)。 One runner didnt let the French governments order to...

  • 国际奥委会:推迟东京奥运会至2021年夏天

    20-03-24 国际奥委会成员Dick Pound称懊悔会已决定延迟东京奥运会。 International Olympic Committee member Dick Pound says the IOC has already decided to postpone the Tokyo Olympics. Pound, speaking to American publication USA Today on Monday, was quoted as sayin...

  • 德国总理默克尔号召全民抗击疫情

    20-03-25 德国总理默克尔号召民众理解和支持政府采取的各种限制措施,共同抗击新冠肺炎疫情。 German Chancellor Angela Merkel is urging all citizens to help fight the spread of the coronavirus by sticking to the latest rules. Merkel called on people to stick to th...

  • 中国将援助塞尔维亚抗击新冠病毒

    20-03-18 外交部发言人耿爽称中方将为塞尔维亚提供医疗设备并派遣专家组帮助其对抗新冠病毒。 Foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang says China stands ready to provide Serbia with medical supplies and dispatch an expert team to support its fight against COVID-1...