• 白宫工作人员被要求戴口罩

    20-05-12 白宫要求在西翼的工作人员,也就是负责总统唐纳德特朗普日常的人员,除了在自己的办公桌前,其他在呆在大楼里的时刻要一直佩戴口罩。 WASHINGTON - The White House has directed staff working in the West Wing, where the daily operations of President Donald Trum...

  • 新冠疫情封锁期间,意大利野生动物进入市中心活动

    20-05-12 A wolf slinks out of a park in Sesto Fiorentino, an industrial centre near Florence. Goslings waddle behind their mothers along deserted thoroughfares in Treviso. Fallow deer invade a golf course on Sardinia and take a dip in the clubhouse swimming...

  • 美国副总统彭斯未来数日内将避免与他人近距离接触

    20-05-11 美国媒体报道,在其新闻秘书新冠病毒测试呈阳性(被确诊感染)后,美国副总统迈克彭斯正避免自己与他人近距离接触。 US Vice-President Mike Pence has been distancing himself from others after his press secretary tested positive for the coronavirus, US media...

  • 董明珠周日直播30分钟带货1亿元

    20-05-11 格力电器董事长董明珠周日直播30分钟带货1亿元。 Gree Electric Chairperson Dong Mingzhu sold 100 million yuan ($14.1 million) in products via livestream on Sunday, Sina Finance reported on Monday. Dong attended the livestream via Kuaishou, a leading Chi...

  • 上海迪士尼乐园今起限流开放

    20-05-11 周一上海迪士尼乐园开放,成为因新冠疫情关闭后开园的第一家迪士尼主题公园。 Shanghai Disneyland reopened its gates on Monday, becoming the first Walt Disney theme park worldwide to welcome guests again following novel coronavirus-related closures. The p...

  • 中国汽车4月份销量止跌回升

    20-05-11 四月份中国汽车产销增长至5.6%,在过去的20个月以来的占据排行榜第二,这标志中国的汽车市场在逐渐恢复。 Retail growth in Chinas auto market rose to -5.6 percent in April, the second high in the past 20 months a decent performance showing the market is in...

  • 新冠封锁期间,太阳能电池板效率方面三项记录被打破

    20-05-09 现在全世界要应对的不只有气候危机。即使现在全球面临疫情,科学家也在推进可再生能源解决方案。目前在有多达三项纪录被打破了。 Today, the world is grappling with more than just the climate crisis, and yet even now, in the face of a global pandemic, scient...

  • 受新冠疫情影响,印度网课需求激增

    20-05-09 全球学校受新冠疫情影响都停课了,有超过15亿学生宅在家。虽然对很多人来说现在生活很不方便,但在线学习的需求量却激增。三月末印度总理纳伦德拉莫迪命令全国封锁,这意味着印度约3亿学生突然要在家上课了。 Schools around the world have closed their doors becaus...

  • 河南发现5000多年前河洛古国

    20-05-08 周四中国考古学家称在中国中部河南省双槐树遗址有重大发现,该发现是中国五千多年文化的有力证据。 Chinese archaeologists announced Thursday significant achievements at the Shuanghuaishu site in Central Chinas Henan province, providing key proof of the or...

  • 谷歌改进视频会议平台Meet

    20-05-08 为了能与其对手竞争,谷歌改进了其视频会议平台Meet。Meet的一项新技术是用户能在屏幕上看到16个人的脸。 Google has improved its video conferencing platform Meet to be able to compete with other platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams. A new feature of...