• 美国将开始第二种新冠疫苗进行安全测试

    20-04-07 美国第二家生物医药公司开始进行有关新冠疫苗的安全测试。 A second US company is poised to begin safety test of a vaccine against COVID-19 on Monday. The Phase 1 study will enroll up to 40 healthy adult volunteers in Philadelphia and Kansas City, where...

  • 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊被转入ICU

    20-04-07 英国首相鲍里斯约翰逊由于新冠病毒症状加重,于周一下午被转入重症监病房。 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was moved to intensive care on Monday after his coronavirus symptoms worsened. In the interim, Johnson has asked Foreign Secretary Dominic Raa...

  • 浙江省将于4月13日开学

    20-04-04 中国东部浙江省初三和高三将于4月13日开学,其他年级陆续开学。 The eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang will gradually reopen schools, with classes for senior students in middle and high schools to resume on April 13, the provincial government said Fri...

  • 美国一男子开火车撞向海军医疗船,称想吸引民众注意

    20-04-02 联邦特工于周二逮捕加利福尼亚一名火车工程师,因为他被指控操纵脱轨的火车想要撞击美国海军医疗船。 Investigators arrested a California train engineer Tuesday after he allegedly derailed a train in a bid to crash into the USNS Mercy, the hospital ship tr...

  • 美国因为新冠病毒死亡人数超过5000人

    20-04-02 新冠病毒传播造成全球四万七千多人死亡,其中美国死亡人数至少5116人。 A pandemic of the novel coronavirus has claimed the lives of more than 47,000 people around the world, including at least 5,116 people in the United States. Globally, more than 935,0...

  • G20财长同意实施应对疫情路线图

    20-04-01 二十国集团(G20)财长和央行行长周二就实施应对新冠肺炎疫情路线图达成共识 The G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors agreed Tuesday on delivering a roadmap in response to the novel coronavirus. The ministers met on Tuesday through a virtual...

  • 梵高名作在荷兰被盗,博物馆因疫情关门

    20-04-01 位于荷兰拉伦市的辛格博物馆30日宣布,荷兰画家梵高1884年画作《纽恩南春天里的牧师花园》30日凌晨被盗。巧合的是,3月30日正是梵高的生日。盗贼在当地时间30日凌晨3点15分破门而入,当警察听到报警器响赶到现场时,盗贼已经逃离。 A Vincent van Gogh painting was sto...

  • 科比退役战毛巾被拍卖,高达33000美元

    20-03-31 在一场网络拍卖中科比布莱恩特在他职业生涯谢幕战赛后身上披着的那条毛巾被拍出3万3千美元的高价 The towel that was draped over the shoulders of Kobe Bryant during his farewell speech following his final NBA game sold for over $33,000 at an online auction...

  • 四川西昌突发森林大火,19人丧生

    20-03-31 周一下午四川西昌突发森林大火,造成18名消防员和一名当地向导牺牲。 A forest fire that flared up in Xichang, Sichuan province, on Monday afternoon, killed 18 firefighters and a local guide, the city reported. The initial site of the blaze was at Daying...

  • 高考将被延期一个月举行

    20-03-31 由于新冠病毒的爆发,高考将被推迟一个月,于7月7日和8日举行。 The national college entrance examination, or gaokao, will be postponed for a month to July 7 to 8 due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Ministry of Education said. Authorities in Hube...