• 新冠疫情导致美国近40%的低收入者失业

    20-05-18 美国联邦储备委员会称,随着新冠疫情开始对美国经济产生影响,近40%的美国低收入者失去了工作。 Nearly 40% of lower-income Americans lost work as the coronavirus pandemic began its assault on the US economy, according to the Federal Reserve. One in 5 adul...

  • 受疫情影响,比利时土豆严重过剩

    20-05-14 受新冠肺炎疫情影响,比利时土豆严重过剩,因为加工厂的冷冻能力有限,多达75万吨的土豆无处可去。为了解决土豆危机,比利时人被敦促多吃薯条和冷冻土豆产品。 When you read the headline Belgians urged to eat more fries you may think its a joke, but in Belgium...

  • 国家卫健委:复课后应坚持“户外120分钟”原则

    20-05-14 随着国内新冠肺炎疫情稳定,全国各地的学校陆续复课,国家卫健委敦促学校确保学生有充足的户外活动时间。 As schools nationwide have gradually reopened following the stabilization of the domestic novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, the National Health Co...

  • 新加坡尝试用机器狗提醒人们保持社交距离

    20-05-14 新加坡正在尝试一种新的方式来让民众保持安全社交距离。新加坡派出机器狗将从周末开始在这一地区巡逻,并向游客播放预先录制的信息,提醒他们保持社交距离的重要性。 Singapore is trying a new way to get its residents to stay away from each other. On Friday, th...

  • 新冠疫情期间,表情符号双手合十使用量大增

    20-05-14 在难以进行面对面谈话的时期,许多人选择用表情符号来表达自己对大流行病的想法。但也许没有哪个表情符号能像双手合十的表情符号一样体现这个难以想象时刻的希望和恐惧。 At a time when in-person conversations are harder to come by, many people are choosing to...

  • 推特宣布员工可以永久在家办公

    20-05-14 推特告诉员工,如果他们愿意,他们可以永远在家办公。 Twitter has told employees that they can keep working from home forever if they wish. n a statement, Twitter said it was one of the first companies to go to a WFH model in the face of COVID-19, but...

  • 各地一般不得新建500米以上建筑

    20-05-13 日前,住建部和国家发改委联合下发通知,通知指出,一般不得新建500米以上建筑;严禁建筑模仿、山寨行为。 The country will bring construction of skyscrapers under strict restriction while bolstering the protection of historical and traditional buildings in...

  • ChinaJoy将于今夏在上海如期举办

    20-05-13 组织者于周一称中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(简称:ChinaJoy)将于今年夏天在上海如期举办。 ChinaJoy, the countrys biggest game show, will be held in summer in Shanghai as usual, organizers said on Monday. Special measures will be taken during the epidemi...

  • 中国近40%学生返校复课

    20-05-13 教育部周二表示,随着新冠疫情情况好转,中国 有近40%的学生已有序返校复课。 Nearly 40 percent of students have returned to schools, where classes are resuming in an orderly manner, as the coronavirus epidemic eases in China, the Ministry of Education sa...

  • 受新冠肺炎疫情影响,今年国际游客人数将减少六至八成

    20-05-13 世界旅游组织表示,受新冠肺炎疫情影响,今年国际游客人数将减少六至八成。 The number of international tourist arrivals will drop by 60-80% in 2020 due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the World Tourism Organization said. Widespread travel restriction...