• TCL要推出可拉伸屏幕手机

    20-03-17 TCL展示了一款带有可滚动显示屏的概念手机,可以滑出一部分屏幕,使整个屏幕扩大。 If you thought foldable screens were the next big smartphone trend, TCL would like to have a word. The company is showing off a concept phone with a rollable display, allo...

  • 宜家又召回一款衣柜,售价约60美元

    20-03-17 宜家正在召回另一款产品,它有倾倒风险,可能会导致幼儿受伤或死亡。这家大型零售商已召回80万个库伦抽屉柜,此前收到了6起举报,说抽屉柜翻倒,其中还有导致人员受伤的。这款抽屉柜从2005年4月到2019年12月一直在宜家门店销售,售价约60美元。 Ikea is recalling yet...

  • 中国境外日新增新冠肺炎确诊病例数连续四天超过中国

    20-03-11 The number of daily new COVID-19 cases outside China has exceeded those inside the country for four consecutive days, as the disease has been detected in at least 60 countries. Cities including Beijing, Shenzhen and Zhongwei in the Ningxia Hui auton...

  • 迪士尼全球CEO鲍勃·伊格尔突然宣布离任

    20-03-07 从2005年起便开始担任迪士尼全球CEO一职的鲍勃伊格尔,于美国时间周二突然宣布离任,接替CEO一职的将是目前担任迪士尼乐园与度假区业务CEO的Bob Chapek(包正博)。 Although he has announced and then delayed his departure four times as Disneys chief executive,...

  • 中国银行推动在洛杉矶的人民币业务发展

    16-09-26 The Peoples Bank of China (BOC) has announced that Bank of China New York branch as the first Renminbi (RMB) clearing bank in the United States. [Photo: business.sohu.com] 中国人民银行(BOC)宣布,中国银行纽约分行将作为在美国的第一家人民币清算银行。...

  • 数千人游行庆祝阿姆斯特丹的种族多样性

    16-09-26 A few thousand people from different ethnic backgrounds marched in Amsterdam on Sunday to celebrate diversity in the Netherlands. 星期日,来自不同种族背景的数千人在阿姆斯特丹举行游行,庆祝荷兰的民族多样性。 The initiators wanted to make a positive s...

  • 中国呼吁为早日结束叙利亚争端积极寻求政治解决方案

    16-09-26 A senior Chinese diplomat on Sunday voiced his deep concern at the recent military escalation in some areas in Syria, and called upon the international community to work harder to help all Syrian parties in their efforts to find a political solution...

  • 中国北极探险队返程

    16-09-26 Chinas seventh Arctic expedition using the Chinese icebreaker Xuelong returned to its research base in Shanghai on Monday after a 78-day mission. 本周一,中国第七支北极科考队在结束为数78天的科研考查任务后,乘坐中国雪龙号破冰船回到位于上海的研究基地...

  • 古巴舞蹈在中国越来越受欢迎

    16-09-26 Observers expect Chinese Premier Li Keqiangs visit to Cuba is going to increase cultural ties between the countries, where here in China, Cuban salsa dancing already happens to be quite popular. 观察人士认为,中国总理李克强访问古巴将增加两国之间的文...

  • 一名中国游客在加利福尼亚巴士事故中遇难

    16-09-26 Officials of Consulate-General of China in San Francisco confirmed Sunday that 1 Chinese tourist were killed and over ten others injured in a bus accident on a tour of Yosemite National Park in California Saturday afternoon. 中国驻三藩总领事馆官员星...