• Pauline's Passion and Punishment - Chapter 4

    20-12-19 The work of weeks is soon recorded, and when another month was gone these were the changes it had wrought. The four so strangely bound together by ties of suffering and sin went on their way, to the worlds eye, blessed with every gracious gift, but...

  • 表“事与愿违”的虚拟条件句

    20-12-13 英语中的第二类虚拟条件句,也被称为第三类条件句,用来谈论原本希望发生,却事与愿违,没能发生的事情,突出表达遗憾和责备的情绪。这类句式的结构句分两部分,第一部分的结构是:If + 主语 + 助动词 had + 动词的过去分词;第二部分的结构是:主语 + would + have +...

  • used to、be used to和get used to

    20-12-05 1. If I want to win the race, Ill have to _______ training every day. a) used to b) get used to c) used to be d) be used to 2. My girlfriend is British, so she isnt _______ speaking French all day, every day. a) used to b) getting used to c) being u...

  • go through the motions 敷衍了事

    20-11-29 敷衍了事,汉语成语,意思是指办事马马虎虎,只求应付过去就算完事。形容做事不认真。可以翻译为 work perfunctorily,do things carelessly。与英文短语go through the motions意思相近,表示 to do something without making much effort to do it well。 例句: 你...

  • 关于动物的趣味俚语

    20-11-29 1 Monkey business silly, mischievous or deceitful behaviour; stupid or time-wasting activity 胡闹,恶作剧愚蠢、恶作剧或欺骗行为;愚蠢或浪费时间的活动 Our accountant has been fired as there was some monkey business with the books. 我们的会计被解雇了...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 19

    20-11-12 Come, Philander, let us be a marching, Every one his true love a searching, WOULD be the most appropriate motto for this chapter, because, intimidated by the threats, denunciations, and complaints showered upon me in consequence of taking the libert...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 13

    20-11-12 IVE won the wager, Tom. Did nt know there was one. Dont you remember you said Polly would be tired of her teaching and give it up in three months, and I said she would nt? Well, is nt she? Not a bit of it. I thought she was at one time, and expected...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 11

    20-11-11 DEAR POLLY, The Sewing Circle meets at our house this P. M. This is in your line, so do come and help me through. I shall depend on you. Yours ever, FAN. Bad news, my dear? asked Miss Mills, who had just handed the note to Polly as she came in one n...

  • put your thinking cap on 认真思考,开动脑筋

    20-11-09 如果你 put your thinking cap on(戴上你的思考帽子),那么你就在 认真思考某件事情。在遇到一个需要通过深思熟虑去解决的难题时,就可以使用这个表达。 例句 This exam will be difficult. However, if you put your thinking cap on, youll be fine. 这场考试会很...

  • work like a Trojan 辛勤工作

    20-11-09 习语 work like a Trojan(像特洛伊人那样工作) 的实际意思是 勤奋工作,埋头苦干。其中,Trojan(特洛伊人) 指来自 Troy(特洛伊古城) 的人。特洛伊人以他们在抵御希腊人的战争中表现出的坚忍和勤奋的品质而闻名。因此,人们用习语 work like a Trojan 来表示某人...