• 《神偷奶爸2》精彩词句

    23-01-31 1. I dont. Id do it again in a heartbeat. 我可没有,我真想马上再来一次。 2. Yeah, well, she is a nut job, and Im not going on any date. 是的,不过她的脑袋有点不正常,而且我才不会去相亲。 3. Hold the horses. 稍等一下/慢着。 4. Let us give you the pro...

  • 《帕丁顿熊2》精彩词句

    23-01-30 1. If we look after this bear, I have a feeling hell go far. 如果我们收留他,我有预感他将来前途远大。 2. Ive really got to grips with how things work. 我终于习惯了这里的生活方式。 3. Hang on, how old do you think I am? 等等,你以为我几岁? 4. Plenty...

  • 《冰雪奇缘》序

    23-01-29 Long ago, atop a mountain high above the kingdom of Arendelle, a group of strong men were hard at work. They were ice harvesters, men who cut and hauled huge blocks of ice from the mountain lakes. Horses stood at attention, waiting with empty wagons...

  • a turn-up for the books 意料之外的事情

    23-01-29 表达 a turn-up for the books 指 意想不到的、与预期相反的事情,多用来谈论好事情、意外的惊喜。 例句 Julie has actually arrived at work on time thats a turn-up for the books! 茱莉竟然准时上班了,真是太意外了! In a turn-up for the books, my team has ma...

  • work or money goes down the drain 打水漂

    23-01-20 打水漂,原本指一种投掷石子的大众游戏,即将扁平石子沿水面水平飞出,石片碰到水面后向前弹跳数次(throw a flat stone horizontally over water so that it touches and rises off the surface several times)。现在用来比喻一个人对某件事投入金钱或者精力,却没有...

  • 《怪兽大学》后记

    23-01-20 I cant believe it! We work at Monsters, Incorporated! Mike said to Sulley. They both proudly wore their MI hard hats. I bet we break the all-time record in our f irst year! Mike, were in the mail room, Sulley reminded him. Oh, I know, he replied, sm...

  • 《海底总动员-1》第15章

    23-01-18 Meanwhile, the Tank Gang were busy in the dentists office, admiring their dirty work. Would you look at that? Filthy. Absolutely filthy, Gill said. And its all thanks to you, kid. You made it possible. The gang watched closely when Dr. Sherman walke...

  • 《机器人总动员》第4章

    22-12-14 Thrilled with his new treasuresespecially the green objectWALL E finally returned home at the end of a long day of work. He had just reached for the lever to open his truck when a dot of red light appeared at his feet. WALL E stopped. He stared at t...

  • be overcautious and indecisive 畏首畏尾

    22-12-13 畏首畏尾,汉语成语,意思是前也怕、后也怕,比喻做事胆子...

  • flat的五个含义和用法

    22-12-08 1. Flat 作形容词用,可以表示 水平的,平坦的。 This table is flat. This bungalow has a flat roof. 2. Flat 作副词用,可以表示 水平地。 This book is lying flat. I have to lie flat on my belly after hurting my back. 3. Flat 作形容词用,可以表示 缺乏热情...