• go through something with a fine-tooth comb 仔细检查某物

    20-09-11 表达 go through something with a fine-tooth comb 或 go over something with a fine-tooth comb(用细齿梳子仔细梳理某物) 的意思是 仔细检查、查看或彻底搜查某物。 这个表达来源于治疗虱子时,人们用间隙密集的细齿梳子 a fine-tooth comb 刮虱子的做法。 例句 L...

  • 如何避开闲言碎语的骚扰

    20-09-10 Well, my solution is pretty simple. 我的办法很简单。 Confirm the source of the information. 确认信息来源。 Yeah, we all have those annoying moments. 是的,我们都会碰到这种麻烦的时刻。 Sometimes, you dont go to gossip, but gossip will come to you. 有...

  • 8位大咖的经典名言

    20-09-10 1. Its important to be able to present you ideas well, especially in writing. 能充分地表达自己的观点很重要,特别是以书面形式。斯泰西斯奈德 2. When someone rejects your work, register the fact that they dont like it, but dont listen to the reason why...

  • work like a Trojan 勤奋工作,埋头苦干

    20-09-03 习语 work like a Trojan(像特洛伊人那样工作) 的实际意思是 勤奋工作,埋头苦干。其中,Trojan(特洛伊人) 指来自 Troy(特洛伊古城) 的人。特洛伊人以他们在抵御希腊人的战争中表现出的坚忍和勤奋的品质而闻名。因此,人们用习语 work like a Trojan 来表示某人...

  • put your thinking cap on 认真思考某件事情

    20-09-02 如果你 put your thinking cap on (戴上你的思考帽子),那么你就在 认真思考某件事情。在遇到一个需要通过深思熟虑去解决的难题时,就可以使用这个表达。 例句 This exam will be difficult. However, if you put your thinking cap on, youll be fine. 这场考试会很...

  • 如何避免过度疲劳

    20-09-01 Whether its studying for exams, working on a project or struggling with a dissertation, weve all been under immense stress at some point. When it gets a bit overwhelming, we can reach a level of exhaustion that is unprecedented the dreaded burnout....

  • The power of books

    20-09-01 For many of us, theres nothing better than burying our head in a good book. Whether its a gripping crime story or a biography of someones amazing life, its good to read a book to switch off from the distractions of everyday life and help us relax. M...

  • menstrual leave 经期假

    20-08-28 Menstrual leave , a policy that affords women suffering extreme period pain one or two days off work, already exists in several countries around the world, but has been widely criticised as counterproductive, often reinforcing negative stereotypes o...

  • ead/influence by example 以身作则

    20-08-25 中国现代文学家、教育家傅雷曾说过,世界上最有力的论证莫如实际行动,最有效的教育莫如以身作则。以身作则,汉语成语,意思是以自己的行为做出榜样,可以翻译为 set an example with [by] ones own conduct,或lead/influence by example。 例句: 他是个以身作则的队...

  • seize the day and live it to the fullest 只争朝夕,不负韶华

    20-02-12 新年前夕,国家主席习近平发表了2020年新年贺词。贺词指出,2020年是具有里程碑意义的一年。我们将全面建成小康社会,实现第一个百年奋斗目标。 President Xi Jinping on Tuesday delivered a New Year speech in Beijing to ring in 2020, pledging to achieve the fi...