• 不辞辛劳,尽善尽美

    21-03-16 这世上有许多人害怕去在乎,或者害怕显露出他们的在乎,因为这不够酷。因为有了激情就显得不淡定;在乎输赢往往输得很惨。 抖森说,自己的一位良师肯尼斯布拉纳(Kenneth Branagh)曾经告诉他别害怕去在乎。 I think its a quote from Shakespeare, from A Midsummer N...

  • 你是天生的企业家吗?

    21-03-16 I couldnt sell a stove to an Innuit. I work hard but I am not very entrepreneurial. I admire people like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg. They set up and grew their own profitable companies when they were very young. It got me wonder...

  • 人往高处走

    21-03-16 What did you want to be when you were growing up? A teacher? A doctor? An astronaut? What do you need to do to achieve your dream job? Perhaps you think that studying well and then going on to work hard will get you the career you want. We are const...

  • 《Hello Kitty》动画真人混合电影将开拍

    21-03-13 新线影业正在商定《Hello Kitty》的开拍日期。该公司在2019年就取得了基于Hello Kitty形象的电影拍摄权,并决定由詹妮弗科伊尔(Jennifer Coyle)和李奥松田(Leo Matsuda)执导,这将会是一部动画形象和真人混合的电影。 Plot details surrounding the trendsetting J...

  • 今年两会值得关注的议题

    21-03-13 * 经济发展目标 economic development goals 2021年的中国发展,挑战与机遇并存,特别是疫情和国际环境依然存在诸多不确定性。 Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, China was the only major economy in the world to register positive growth in 2020, with its GDP expand...

  • 政协委员提议加强有效监管超时加班

    21-03-12 全国政协委员指出,当前我国的996问题处于企业失控、监管失序、工会失灵的状态,要改变996工作文化,不是那么简单的事。 Members of Chinas top political advisory body have proposed reinforced and effective supervision to stop companies overworking their emp...

  • 嘈杂繁忙的现代化办公室

    21-03-09 Can you concentrate in a crowded environment? If you want to work in a modern office youd better start getting used to it. Millions of workers spend their long shifts in open-plan offices these days. And your co-workers? Well, dont stretch your arms...

  • 总发困?怨父母!

    21-03-09 Whether you prefer burning the midnight oil or going to bed early so you can get up at the crack of dawn depends on your genes, according to experts. I leap out of bed each morning, keen to start an active day. But I can hear my neighbours alarm clo...

  • 上班时间打小盹能提高工作效率

    21-03-06 I love sleeping. Its something Im good at. Theres nothing better than nodding off on the sofa in front of the TV and when my head hits the pillow at night, I have no problem falling into a deep sleep within minutes. There is one place where I never...

  • 你是工作狂吗?

    21-03-03 Do you check your work emails when youre on holiday? Do you call your colleagues to ask whats happening in the office even on a day off? I do. When I see no signal on my mobile phone in a busy shopping centre or no wi-fi in the hotel by the beach, I...