• 中央一号文件提出全面推进乡村振兴

    21-03-03 21世纪以来第18个指导三农工作的中央一号文件《中共中央 国务院关于全面推进乡村振兴加快农业农村现代化的意见》2月21日发布。 During the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), the Communist Party of China will regard work concerning agriculture, rural are...

  • 战胜懒惰的12个方法

    21-03-01 I used to be so lazy all the day, procrastinating things, sleeping under AC, watching movies and eating all the food available. I hardly found sweat coming from my sweat pores. 我以前整天都很懒,做事拖拉,开着空调睡觉,看电影,有什么吃什么。我几乎很...

  • 讲究穿着以便给人留下好印象

    21-02-28 What do you wear to work? Do you wear a uniform, perhaps something formal, or do you just pick up the first T-shirt you can find in your wardrobe? I dress in casual clothes but I sometimes wonder: could a makeover advance my career? Accountancy firm...

  • 工作单位里的竞争?

    21-02-27 Competition in the workplace can be fierce but how far should people go to succeed? Bullying has become a common word in business in the 21st century. The aggressive boss, the intimidating colleague - do they just come with the territory? Do we have...

  • 你有什么借口?

    21-02-27 兔子啦,还有小狗小猫啦,都曾被英国人当作他们不想去上班或学生没有完成作业的借口。不过你可是没有任何理由不来读一读这篇文章啊! Have you ever taken a sickie? If so, what did you say to your boss? It seems many people in the UK like to blame their pets...

  • 你是一名具有团队精神的人吗?

    21-02-27 你和同事们相处融洽、合作愉快吗?企业为了营造公司良好的氛围,打造气势高昂的团队,积极地让高管人员参加各种鲜活而有趣的营地培训。 We hear a lot about team building these days. Team-building gurus are hired by some corporations to lecture us on how to w...

  • 每天上下班

    21-02-27 每天急急忙忙的上下班已经是许多上班族生活的一部分,其中也有不少趣事,不过常年如此也给大家带来了不少的压力。 The daily journey to and from home and work is one of those things that many of us have to endure. Whether by train, bus, bike or on foot, its...

  • 城市的未来

    21-02-25 未来城市的发展会是什么样的,我们还会喜欢在未来城市中居住吗?人们移居城市,追求更好的工作和生活。随着人口增长,越来越多的普通城市在逐渐转变成人口超过一千万的大城市。 For centuries, people have moved to and lived in cities. These sprawling urban centr...

  • 群龙无首的公司

    21-02-25 你中意自己的上司吗?有时候,你是否觉得没有管理者的企业更有效率?一家瑞典公司对其管理构架做出了彻底地改变,他们把所有的管理者都请走,让员工们分担决策的责任及自由。 What would work be like if you had no boss? Imagine you could make all your own decisi...

  • 午饭时间的“选择困难症”

    21-02-25 在忙碌的工作日中午休息一小段时间固然可以放松身心,然而很多人在午休前都面临一个难题到底该吃什么?由于工作紧张而繁忙,大部分上班族都会在中午吃同一类食品,其实我们最好偶尔换一换口味。 Whether at school, college or work, most of us take some sort of lun...