• 中小学生应做兼职工作吗?

    21-02-10 以前,英国中小学生在校学习期间会寻找一些简单的兼职零工,一方面给自己赚些零花钱,而更重要的是从中获取生活经验。而如今,在校期间做兼职的学生人数越来越少,这是为什么呢? When you were at school, the last thing you probably wanted to do was spend your w...

  • 人工智能给糟糕的会议画上句号?

    21-02-08 会议是许多企业和公司的常规组成部分。但很多人认为会议是耗时、枯燥和无效的。有理论证实,人工智能可能是帮助人们组织更好、更高效的会议的答案。人工智能是怎么办到的? Business meetings are, arguably, a necessary part of any organisation where people work...

  • CYP work in the new era 新时代少先队工作

    21-02-08 中共中央日前印发关于全面加强新时代少先队工作的意见。意见指出,全面加强新时代少先队工作,对于确保党和人民事业薪火相传、后继有人,具有重大而深远的意义。 The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has issued a guideline for strengthening the...

  • 长相英俊的男性找工作更易碰壁

    21-01-25 你可能会认为长相英俊帅气的男人在生活中有着天生的优势。但一项新的研究表明,美貌并不总是放之四海而皆准的标杆,至少在找工作时,美貌并不一定能帮得上忙。 Its not always an advantage to be pretty, says Marko Pitesa, an assistant professor at the Universit...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 12

    21-01-24 ON the fourth of September, Christie woke up, saying to herself: It is my birthday, but no one knows it, so I shall get no presents. Ah, well, Im too old for that now, I suppose; but she sighed as she said it, for well she knew one never is too old...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 9

    21-01-24 MR. POWER. NEXT day Christie braved the lion in his den, otherwise the flinty Flint, in her second-class boarding-house, and found that alarm and remorse had produced a softening effect upon her. She was unfeignedly glad to see her lost lodger safe,...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 11

    21-01-21 Mrs. Moss woke Ben with a kiss next morning, for her heart yearned over the fatherless lad as if he had been her own, and she had no other way of showing her sympathy. Ben had forgotten his troubles in sleep; but the memory of them returned as soon...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 3

    21-01-21 Please, m, my name is Ben Brown, and Im travellin. Where are you going? Anywheres to get work. What sort of work can you do? All kinds. Im used to horses. Bless me! such a little chap as you? Im twelve, maam, and can ride any thing on four legs; and...

  • be left holding the baby 替别人做苦差事

    21-01-15 搭配 be left holding the baby 的字面意思是 不得不一个人带孩子,但它实际是在用这种家庭分工来比喻某人 不得不独自撑起一个困难的局面,接替别人做苦差事。这类困难的局面通常由他人引起,而那个人却又无能处理或拒绝承担责任。所以,如果某人 be left holding the...

  • go way back with someone 与某人相识已久

    21-01-14 表达 go way back with someone 的意思是 与某人是老相识。它和 know each other for a long time 的意思相同,都可以描述两个人认识的时间很长,且有共同的经历。 例句 Tim and I go way back we met at primary school. 蒂姆和我是老相识,我们在小学的时候就认识了...