• hope for the best 尽量往好处想

    20-11-08 表达 hope for the best 被用来表示 人们希望一件事情能有个好结果,要尽量往好处想。但通常情况下,人们使用这个表达来暗示事情的结果可能不尽人意。 例句 I dont know if Ive got the job yet. Ill just have to wait and hope for the best. 我还不知道我是不是得到...

  • 同事之间工资应该公开吗?

    20-10-25 Its a touchy subject. Talking socially about money can make people feel uncomfortable. But at work, have a conversation about how much people earn, and things can not only get awkward, but, in some cases, it can get you sacked. According to a survey...

  • 在家办公

    20-10-25 If you go to work, youre probably familiar with the routine of travelling to the office, hunting for an available desk, completing your tasks and then enduring your commute home. In many ways, it seems like an outdated working practice. And maybe th...

  • 什么时候该请病假?

    20-10-25 Have you ever woken up with a sore throat and blocked nose and wondered if you should take the day off work? Some of us just soldier on, hoping the office environment and banter with work colleagues will perk us up. Others will make a hot drink, ret...

  • 世界经济论坛:2025年半数工作将由机器处理

    20-10-22 Half of all work tasks will be handled by machines by 2025 in a shift likely to worsen inequality, a World Economic Forum report has forecast. 世界经济论坛的一份报告预测,到2025年,半数工作任务将由机器处理,这一转变可能会加剧不平等。 The think tank...

  • global poverty relief process 全球减贫进程

    20-10-21 摆脱贫困与政党的责任国际理论研讨会10月12日在福建省福州市开幕,中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平向会议致贺信。习近平强调,全球减贫事业面临的困难和挑战仍然很严峻,需要各国政党在内的国际社会携手合作加快推动全球减贫进程。 President Xi Jinping called on the...

  • compare to与compare with的区别

    20-10-18 Compare to可以广义地定义为估计事物之间的相似性或者是差异。 例句: Individual schools compared their facilities with those of others in the area. 私立学校将其设施与该地区其他学校的设施进行比较。 It is difficult to compare our results to studies condu...

  • 微软员工获批准后可永久性在家办公

    20-10-13 Microsoft has told staff that they will have the option of working from home permanently with manager approval. 微软公司告知员工,如果得到管理人员的批准,他们可以选择永久性在家办公。 The move mimics the US tech giants rivals Facebook and Twitter, wh...

  • 用菠萝叶子做包包

    20-10-11 Picking pineapples can be arduous, heavy work often with little reward. The price paid for each individual fruit is a fraction of a penny. 采摘菠萝可是一项苦差事,而且往往回报甚微。每个菠萝的价格仅是一便士的零头。 The leaves from pineapple plants ar...

  • 考古学家在巨石阵附近发现史前遗址

    20-10-11 Its one of the worlds most famous sights. Yet, so much about Stonehenge (in the UK) remains a mystery. But are we finally getting closer to understanding? 它是世界上最著名的景点之一。然而,有很多关于英国巨石阵的事情仍是个谜。但我们是否终于即将解开这...