• 摇滚歌手乔恩·邦·乔维为食物赈济站出资献力

    20-10-11 The global pandemic means his other job as [an] international rock star is somewhat on hold so he can devote time and sweat to this project. 受全球新冠肺炎疫情的影响,这位国际摇滚明星做歌手的工作暂时搁置了,所以他可以把时间和汗水投入到这个项目上。 I...

  • Little Women - Chapter 11

    20-09-27 The first of June! The Kings are off to the seashore tomorrow, and Im free. Three months vacation - how I shall enjoy it! exclaimed Meg, coming home one warm day to find Jo laid upon the sofa in an unusual state of exhaustion, while Beth took off he...

  • slow art 慢艺术

    20-09-27 Slow art is art created or presented in a way that encourages unhurried viewing and deep contemplation; a work of art that unfolds over a long time. 慢艺术是为了鼓励人们从容观看和深思而创造或展示的艺术,是让你花长时间去欣赏的一件艺术品。 Famous art...

  • 十个与学习有关的汉语成语英译

    20-09-22 业精于勤 Excellence in work is possible only with diligence 学以致用 One should make use of what one has leaned 学而不厌 Have s thirst for learning 学而后知不足 One discovers ones ignorance only through learning 温故知新 Understand the present by re...

  • 2020搞笑诺贝尔奖近日揭晓

    20-09-22 The annals of science brim with researchers who pushed the boundaries of sense and good taste in a quest for knowledge. With the unveiling of the 30th annual Ig Nobel awards, another case shall be added. 每年的搞笑诺贝尔奖都在追求知识的过程中不断拓...

  • 锻炼比财富更能使人快乐

    20-09-19 Regular physical activity is a huge boost to mental wellbeing, on par with a hefty raise. Instead of logging extra hours at work in hopes of getting a raise, maybe you should hit the gym instead, as it could make you just as happy as that extra mone...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 15

    20-09-16 My wife, I have bad news for thee, said Professor Bhaer, coming in one day early in January. Please tell it at once. I cant bear to wait, Fritz, cried Mrs Jo, dropping her work and standing up as if to take the shot bravely. But we must wait and hop...

  • Jo's Boys - Charter 9

    20-09-16 Two very superior bicycles went twinkling up the road to Plumfield one September afternoon, bearing two brown and dusty riders evidently returning from a successful run, for though their legs might be a trifle weary, their faces beamed as they surve...

  • 八成英国人午休时间不吃饭

    20-09-14 Just one in five workers use their lunch break to actually eat every day -- with most using the time to catch up on personal errands and browse social media instead. 只有五分之一的职员每天在午休时间吃饭,大多数人都是在午休时间打理私事或刷社交媒体。...

  • 饿了么新功能引争议

    20-09-14 Online food delivery service platform Eleme announced on Wednesday it will release a new feature that will allow diners to give delivery workers more time to deliver meals. 在线外卖平台饿了么周三宣布将发布新功能,顾客可以延长外卖骑手的送餐时间。 Ele...