• take the plunge 冒险尝试

    21-08-09 动词 to plunge 是往下跳的意思,比如:When we arrived at the lake, my brother plunged into the cold water. 短语 take the plunge 往往用来形容我们下定决心做某件高难度的事情。 例句 Im going to take the plunge and move to France. Ive been dreaming of it...

  • in deep water 处于水深火热之中

    21-08-05 如果说某人 in deep water 那就是说此人陷入困境或处于水深火热之中。 例句 Were going to be in deep water if the bank cant authorize our loan. Ill be in deep water unless I pass all three exams. She left her brothers laptop on the train! Shes really goi...

  • blood is thicker than water 血浓于水

    21-07-26 血浓于水在英语里相对应的表达是blood is thicker than water。 例句 I dont really get on with my brother, but Ill always support him. Blood is thicker than water, after all. John cant come to the party on Saturday. Hes going to a family wedding. Blood...

  • 面对洪水应该怎么保护自己

    21-07-22 近日,河南多地发生的特大暴雨引发了极为严重的洪涝灾害,面对突如其来的洪水,应该怎么做才能趋利避害,保护好自己呢? Being caught in a flood is incredibly dangerous. Like many other natural disasters, floods can occur with little to no warning. Flash fl...

  • 水殻禾逍托∏傻那彼溉槎

    21-07-05 生物学家发现了世界上最小的潜水哺乳动物 水鼩的基因秘密。 Water shrews are diminutive, long-snouted mammals. They weigh less than one AA battery, and lose heat quickly, and burn energy constantly in tiny active muscles. 水鼩是一种体型纤...

  • 韩国出土上千汉字金属活字

    21-07-02 据韩联社29日报道,最近,韩国在首尔仁寺洞遗址发掘大量朝鲜王朝初期的文物。其中金属活字的出土,尤其引发关注。 韩联社称,这是韩国发现最早的韩文金属活字。 South Koreas Cultural Heritage Association (CHA) said movable metal type (printing) blocks, were fo...

  • 拖船的哲理

    21-06-24 One night many years ago I was on the bridge of a ship that passed one of our large cities on a quiet night. I saw its lights reflected in the sky and heard the rumblings of the citys noises. 多年前的一个晚上,我在宁静的夜色中乘船经过某个大都市。站...

  • 枉凝眉

    21-06-17 枉凝眉 Hope Betrayed 作者:曹雪芹,译者:David Hawkes 一个是阆苑仙葩, One was a flower from paradise, 一个是美玉无瑕, One a pure jade without spot or stain. 若说没奇缘, If each of the other one was not intended, 今生偏又遇着他; Then why in this...

  • 面对不同危险情况的求生方法

    21-06-10 If you ever find yourself buried in rubble and cant get out, dont yell. Youll end up just wasting energy and losing your voice. What you should do is grab something and start tapping in intervals of three. Humans are great at noticing patterns and t...

  • 长江流域生态环境保护工作成果显著

    21-06-09 6月7日,国务院关于长江流域生态环境保护工作情况的报告提请十三届全国人大常委会第二十九次会议审议。 China has made notable progress in improving water quality, restoring aquatic biodiversity and controlling pollution in the Yangtze River basin, accordi...