• 冲浪疗法

    20-10-11 Believe it or not, ten years ago Charlotte Banfield had a phobia of water. 信不信由你,十年前,夏洛特班菲尔德很怕水。 I used to be really scared to go to the beach, go near the shower, go in the rain. It was more of a sensory thing. The feel of wate...

  • gratitude for the source of benefit 饮水思源

    20-10-10 饮水思源,字面意思是喝水的时候,要想到水是从哪里来的(When drinking water, one should not forget its source)。 出自南北朝时期诗人庾信的《徵调曲》,落其实者思其树,饮其流者怀其源(When eating fruits, one should think of the fruit trees; when drinkin...

  • everything comes to light 水落石出

    20-09-17 水落石出,汉语成语,字面意思是水落下去,水底的石头就露出来(As the water level sinks,the stones are exposed.)。比喻事情的真相完全显露出来。可以翻译为everything comes to light;truth is out;get to the bottom of something。 例句: 政府重申一定要查个...

  • 萌酷的考拉

    20-09-01 When you think of a cute, furry wild animal, you often picture a koala. These adorable-looking creatures appear docile and friendly, so its no wonder people are concerned about the future of the species after the devastating bushfires that destroyed...

  • 水立方已变成“冰立方”

    19-08-02 The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games icon venue-Water Cube, has transformed into Ice Cube, which is the worlds first Winter Olympic Stadium to create curling ice in a swimming pool. 2008北京奥运会标志性场馆水立方,已变成冰立方,这是世界上首个在游泳池架设...

  • 辛鑫获中国首枚世锦赛公开水域游泳金牌

    19-07-15 Chinese swimmer Xin Xin won the first gold medal for China in open water swimming at the 18th FINA World Championships on Sunday in Gwangju. 中国游泳运动员辛鑫周日在光州第18届世界游泳锦标赛公开水域游泳中为中国赢得首枚金牌。 The 22-year-old finished...

  • 白鹤滩水电站水轮机完工

    19-06-19 Chinas million-kilowatt generating unit for the Baihetan hydropower project has seen its last core component, the water distributor, completed. 中国白鹤滩水电站百万千瓦发电机组最后的核心部件水轮机完工。 The distributor weighed more than 870 tonnes a...

  • 中国科考船发现两种罕见的深水海兔

    19-05-28 Discovery, a remote operated vehicle (ROV) aboard Chinas research vessel KEXUE (Science), captured two rare deep-water sea slugs in western Pacific Ocean in a recent dive. 中国科学号考察船上的发现号水下机器人最近在西太平洋发现了两种罕见的深水海兔。...

  • 地球水来源 彗星是关键

    19-05-27 Scientists proposed a new theory about the origin of oceans on Earth. 科学家就地球上海洋的来源提出了一项新理论。 They suggested that comets played a key role in delivering the life-enabling water to our planet billions of years ago. The study publis...

  • 纽约一架直升机坠入哈德逊河

    19-05-16 A helicopter fell short of the landing pad and crashed into the Hudson River in New York City on Wednesday afternoon, injuring one person on board. 周三下午,纽约一架直升机没停上停机坪,坠入哈德逊河,机上一人受伤。 The helicopter reportedly missed t...