• 北京开始打造亚洲最大再生水湿地公园

    19-05-08 Beijing has started to build Asias biggest reclaimed water wetland park in its southeastern part, Tuesdays Peoples Daily reported. 《人民日报》周二报道,北京已开始打造亚洲最大的再生水湿地公园。 The wetland park, with a total area of 638,000 square m...

  • 长江流域水污染治理进展良好

    19-03-12 Sound progress has been made in tackling water pollution along the Yangtze River, Chinas longest river, said the countrys Ecology and Environment Ministry. 中国生态环境部表示,长江流域水污染治理取得良好进展。 After two years of work, 99.9 percent of...

  • 晨起空腹喝水有7个好处

    18-11-01 1. Improves Your Metabolism Studies have shown that drinking water on empty stomach can help increase metabolic rate up by 30%. This means that the rate at which calories are burned increases by nearly one third. You know what that means right? - Qu...

  • 超90%食盐中含有微塑料

    18-10-26 A study published Tuesday (Oct. 16) in the journal Environmental Science and Technology found microplastics in more than 90% of the packaged food-grade salt -- also known as table salt -- for sale in stores. 美国《环境科学与技术》月刊10月16日发表的...

  • 耐盐水稻在山东成功种植

    18-10-11 Rice with a high tolerance to water salinity have been successfully grown in Qingdao in Shandong Province, according to a Xinhua report published on Wednesday. 对水盐浓度具有高耐性的水稻在山东青岛成功种植。 In May, the seawater rice research center...

  • 大型两栖飞机AG600开始水面测试

    18-08-27 Chinas independently-developed large amphibious aircraft, the AG600, has completed trial ground flights and entered a new test phase on the water-surface. 中国自主研发的大型两栖飞机AG600已经完成地面飞行测试,现在已经进入水面测试阶段。 The AG600, cod...

  • 福建将向台湾金门输送淡水

    18-08-06 A water pipeline connecting Chinese mainland coastal province of Fujian to Kinmen went into operation on Sunday, delivering water from Fujians Jinjiang River to alleviate water shortages in Kinmen. 一条连接中国大陆福建省与金门的输水管线周日开始动工...

  • 火星上发现液态水湖泊

    18-07-26 A massive underground lake has been detected for the first time on Mars, raising hopes that more water -- and maybe even life -- exists there, international astronomers said Wednesday. 火星上首次发现一个大型地下湖泊,这为火星上有更多的水、甚至是生命...

  • 中国将检查饮用水源地环保工作

    18-05-21 Governments across China will launch inspections to find out how the environment around sources of drinking water has been protected, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said Sunday. 中国生态环境部周日表示,各地政府将开始检查饮用水源地周围环境保...

  • 中国派调查组检查城市水污染治理

    18-05-08 Chinese authorities on Monday launched a campaign against water pollution in cities, with inspection teams sent to provincial regions to check on progress in urban water pollution control. 中国政府周一发起一项反对城市水污染的活动,派遣观察组深入省市...