• 与食物相关的习语 下

    22-04-11 6. In hot water 有麻烦,陷于困境 When someone is in hot water, theyre in a bad situation or serious trouble. 当某人处于水深火热之中时,说明他陷于困境或者遇到了麻烦。 My brother is in hot water for failing all his college classes. 我哥哥因挂掉大学所...

  • 中世纪的人对宠物有一些“独到”甚至奇葩的见解

    22-04-08 1. Feed your dog bread soaked in dirty water to keep it small. 不让狗变大的秘诀:把浸泡了脏水的面包喂给狗吃 Long before the days of designer dogs, people had some unusual methods of creating a pocket-sized pet. One 15th-century manuscript suggests a...

  • 药物排入河流威胁全球卫生

    22-03-30 一份报告称,药物和医药产品排入世界各地河流所造成的污染 对环境和全球卫生构成威胁。 When medicine has finished making its way through your body, it doesnt just disappear. Some key ingredients may remain active as they pass down your toilet, through th...

  • 修复苏格兰盐沼

    22-03-30 Digging into a changing environment. 他们正在这个不断变化的环境中挖土。 In an area thats surrounded by Scotlands coal mining past and its industrial present, theres a transformation happening beneath our feet. 环顾四周,依稀可见苏格兰昔日开采煤矿的...

  • 意大利发生严重旱灾 浪费水将被罚款

    22-03-30 意大利刚刚经历了65年来最为干旱的冬天,北部多地已经三个月没有降雪或降雨。这迫使一些小镇定量供应用水,居民只有在必要情况下才能用水,否则就要被处以最高500欧元的罚款。 People living in some northern Italian towns face fines for wasting water as mayors r...

  • aquaholics 嗜水狂

    22-03-29 你一定听过每天八杯水的说法。但为了排毒一杯接一杯狂喝水,反而嗜水成癖,危害健康。 Aquaholics are people who have become addicted to drinking water over the past few years. Theyve been lured by the promises of better skin, a detoxed body and more ener...

  • discourage or deter someone from doing something 泼冷水

    22-03-28 当你兴奋地提出自己的想法或计划时,对方表现得毫无兴趣或一味提出批评,那种受挫的感觉可能就像被当头泼了一盆冷水一样难受。 泼冷水,中文俗语,字面意思是pour [throw] cold water on,比喻败别人的兴头,打击别人做某事的热情(discourage or deter someone from d...

  • what is done cannot be undone 覆水难收

    22-03-23 覆水难收是一个汉语成语,覆指pour, 水是water, 难表示hard to do or difficult, 收指retrieve。 覆水难收字面意思指倒在地上的水难以收回(spilled water cannot be gathered up again),常用来比喻事情已成定局、难以挽回,可以翻译为What is done cannot be undone...

  • 迷惑 下

    22-02-28 6. befuddled 迷惑的;糊涂的 fuddle有酗酒的意思,所以befuddled多表示因为喝酒而导致大脑昏昏沉沉。 Im so tired, my poor befuddled brain cant absorb any more. 我太累了,可怜的大脑昏昏沉沉的,再也记不住任何东西了。 7. disoriented 迷路的,迷失的 -oriented...

  • shake like a leaf 冻得直哆嗦

    22-02-09 1. shake like a leaf shake like a leaf像树叶一样抖动其实很好理解,树叶总是随风摆动,那这就有抖得很厉害的意思。 无论是因害怕、恐惧而抖得很厉害,还是因为冷,都可以这么说哦。 2. curveball curveball是(棒球运动中投向击球手的)旋球,弧线球,比赛中这类球...