22-07-18 At first the novelty of the work kept Philip interested. Mr. Carter dictated letters to him, and he had to make fair copies of statements of accounts. Mr. Carter preferred to conduct the office on gentlemanly lines; he would have nothing to do with...
22-07-15 日本房地产开发商Ichijo Komuten最近推出了一款抗洪屋,当洪水来袭时它不仅防水,还能浮起来。抗洪屋与许多伸出地面的粗铁棒相连,铁棒上带有粗缆绳,以确保洪水泛滥时房屋保持在原位。当洪水退去时,漂浮的房子会回到原来的位置。抗洪屋还具有特殊的通风口,在发生洪...
22-06-28 water under the bridge逝者如斯夫 无法重新来过或不值得再讨论的往事;另一种解释是很长时间过去了(a long time has passed)。 例: I should probably have asked for more money when I was offered the job, but hey, thats water under the bridge now. 我拿到...
22-06-14 hot potato 烫手山芋(喻指棘手的问题) They will do anything they can to drop her like a hot potato. 他们会想尽办法把她这个烫手山芋给甩掉。 in hot water 遇到麻烦 I needed to be at the airport early, and as I got into a taxi I was worried that I might...
22-06-14 终于吃上饭啦!用餐过程中还是有机会和服务员交流的,口语练起来~ Could you tell me how to eat this? 请告诉我要如何食用这道菜? Could you pass me the salt(pepper)? 请把盐(楜椒)传给我。 Id like a glass of water, please. 请给我一杯水。 May I have a b...
22-05-20 表达 a devil of a job 比喻 一项非常棘手和烦人的体力或脑力活。这种任务通常让人费尽周折,唯恐避之而不及,任何必须完成它的人都免不了灰心丧气,甚至气急败坏、恼羞成怒。 例句 I need to turn this screw to stop the water flow to my taps, but I just cant rea...
22-05-19 情态动词 will、would、may和might 的用法不同,而且常被混淆。这类情态动词后通常紧跟动词的哪种形式?在口语会话中,will 和 would 的缩略形式分别是什么?在这四个词中,哪个可以用来征求或表示同意? 首先,在陈述句中,will、would、may 和 might 后面的动词往往...
22-04-26 1.Blood is thicker than water. 是不是好直白的血浓于水!英文中文真就是一样的哟~ 2.Be able to do something in your sleep. 中文里可以对应我闭着眼睛也能。 例如:I havent done many portraits, but I could paint landscapes in my sleep. 我画的肖像画不多,但...
22-04-24 2021年,我国空气质量持续向好,地表水环境质量稳步改善。 Chinas environment further improved last year, according to an official report on the environmental conditions and the achievement of environmental protection objectives in 2021. 国务院关于2021...
22-04-21 1.Can I have ......, please? 中国人特别喜欢说I want ...; 因为中国人点餐都是给我来个这个,我要那个;但对很多外国服务员来说,特别不礼貌。用Can I have ..., please的句型就显得特别常见与礼貌。 例句:Can I have a glass of water, please? 2. Were gonna need...