• though

    22-01-25 一看到这个词,很多语法好的同学就有如下反应: 这是一个引导让步状语从句的连词,表示虽然,相当于although、even though,一般用在句首,比如: Though he was very angry, he didnt show it. 虽然他很生气,但是他没有表现出来。 但老外经常把这个词用作副词,放在...

  • what happens is without extra effort 水到渠成

    22-01-22 水到渠成,汉语成语,字面意思是水流到的地方自然形成一条水道(A canal is formed when water comes )。比喻条件成熟,事情自然会成功(When conditions are ripe, success will come;What happens is without extra effort)。 例句: 如果他们采取目的明确的行动...

  • not hold water 站不住脚的

    22-01-22 在中文里,当我们形容一种观点或理论经不起推敲与反驳、存在漏洞时,常常说这种观点是站不住脚的,它与英文俗语not hold water意思相近,表示to not be or not appear to be true, verifiable, or able to be supported by facts。 例句: 反对者反对这项法案的论点站...

  • Don't be a chicken! 不要胆怯

    22-01-04 在英语里人们往往用 chicken 这个词来表示一个胆小鬼。那么 Dont be a chicken 意思就是别害怕,别胆怯。 例句 Youre such a chicken, you wont even give skiing a try! He called me a chicken just because I didnt want to swim in the ice cold water! Dont be su...

  • keep your head above water 勉强逃脱困境

    21-12-29 6 keep your head above water above water有摆脱困境、摆脱麻烦的意思。溺水时,我们尽可能要做的就是让头部浮出水面,因此这个习语也就是勉强逃脱困境;设法不举债;挣扎求存的意思。 例句: The cost of living is now so high that you need to earn a good income...

  • pass/make water 小便

    21-12-29 1 pass/make water 小便;小解(是不是有点儿形象呢) 例句: How often do you usually pass water? 你通常每天小便几次? 2 Its (all) water under the bridge. 已成往事;往事云烟 桥下的水一旦流过,就永远过去了,因此该句就是过去的事就不要再纠结的意思。 例句...

  • in deep water 陷入困境

    21-12-24 如果说某人 in deep water 那就是说此人陷入困境或处于水深火热之中。 例句 Were going to be in deep water if the bank cant authorize our loan. Ill be in deep water unless I pass all three exams. She left her brothers laptop on the train! Shes really goi...

  • treading water 踩水

    21-12-24 当你在 treading water 时,这就是指你处于停滞阶段,没有发展。 例句 I feel like Im treading water at work. I feel like Im never going to get a promotion. Im not enjoying this degree course any more. Im just treading water. 请注意 另一个短语 tread on s...

  • like a duck to water 如鱼得水

    21-12-20 如果你被形容为 take to something like a duck to water, 意思就是在你第一次尝试做某件事情时发现自己非常上手,做得很棒。 例句 He took to golf like a duck to water. Hed never played before but hit a hole in one! Kate never seemed like the mothering type...

  • over and above 超越

    21-12-17 短语 over and above 表示在数量或质量上超过了期待的水平。多于或在之上。 例句 The quality of the food was over and above what I expected from that restaurant. The profit we made last year was over and above what we anticipated. Were going to need five...