• 在太空中工作

    21-02-27 宇航员在空间站里是怎么睡觉的? Bored with your life? Dreaming of something different? When I feel like that I look up and wonder what life would be like 400km above my head. Thats where the International Space Station orbits the Earth, with six astr...

  • 天下没有免费的午餐

    21-02-25 没有人不喜欢拿免费的东西,但俗话说,天下没有免费的午餐在接过赠品的同时,我们其实也付出了相应的代价。这期节目探讨在哪些地方最有可能拿到免费的小样,还会为大家介绍商家以激励顾客消费为目的的常用营销策略。 Everybody likes to get a freebie something given...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 21

    21-02-24 A few hundred yards away from the fence strung along the western side of middle pasture, Mary Thorne pulled her horse down to a walk and straightened her hat mechanically. Her cheeks were flushed becomingly and her eyes shone, but at the end of that...

  • 别岁

    21-02-18 别岁 Farewell to the Old Year 作者:苏轼 翻译:许渊冲 故人适千里,临别尚迟迟。 When an old friend is to go far away, Long, long will he linger before he parts. 人行犹可复,岁行那可追。 Though gone away, he may come back someday. Where can we find th...

  • 夏日避暑小贴士

    21-02-08 今夏,整个欧洲格外炎热。明媚的天气虽然人人爱,但夏日炽热的阳光确实也给人们的生活带来了各种各样的挑战。在长达数月的酷暑期间,有哪些保持清凉的好方法呢? This summer, the UK, and much of the northern hemisphere, has experienced a heatwave a sustained p...

  • throw cold water on something 泼冷水

    21-02-08 表达 throw cold water on something 的意思是 给一个想法、计划或情况泼冷水。其中,动词 throw 可以用 pour 替换,即 pour cold water on something,用 pour 所表达的否定态度没有 throw 那么强烈。 例句 Roberta wanted to build a statue of her hero out of clay...

  • wetland conservation 湿地保护

    21-02-05 国家林草局表示,过去五年,我国新增湿地面积20.26万公顷,湿地保护率达到50%以上,为净化水质、保护生态环境发挥了显著作用。 Wetlands in China have expanded steadily over the past five years, growing by 202,600 hectares and making a significant contributi...

  • throw the baby out with the bath water 因噎废食

    21-02-01 因噎废食,汉语成语,字面意思是因为吃东西噎住,索性就什么也不吃了(give up eating for fear of choking)。比喻由于出了点小毛病或怕出问题就把应该做的事情停下来不干了。可以翻译为refrain from doing something for fear of a possible risk。与英文俚语throw t...

  • Yellow River diversions to boost ecological protection 黄河

    21-01-26 水利部黄河水利委员近日表示,今年我国将拓宽黄河生态调水范围,重点和统筹安排河道内滩区湿地和河道外重要湖泊湿地应急生态补水、华北地区地下水超采区综合治理生态补水。黄河生态调水将有利于涵盖山水林田湖草的整个流域生态系统的良性维持和发展。 China will diver...

  • 英国科学家将赴南极洲考察巨型冰山A68a

    21-01-12 一组科学家被派往南大西洋考察巨型冰山 A68a 。这座面积为 3900 平方公里的庞然大物目前正在漂离英国海外领地南乔治亚的近海地区,冰山有可能在这里搁浅。 Icebergs like A68a break away from Antarctica only every few decades. And wherever they drift, they can...