• BBC:2021年佳片前瞻 下

    21-01-11 Dune《沙丘》 Whether you rate it as a cult classic, or whether youre sensible enough to accept that it is one of the worst films ever made, David Lynchs Dune was not a triumph. Now Denis Villeneuve has made his version of Frank Herberts epic interst...

  • 离奇古怪的英国人

    21-01-04 To an outsider, any culture can seem quirky, confusing, peculiar or just downright bizarre. And the UKs got a thing or two that raises a few eyebrows. Brits are quite capable of befuddling visitors with their idiosyncrasies. However, understand the...

  • 世界各国奇怪的迎新年风俗

    21-01-04 One of the worlds oldest shared traditions, New Years celebrations take many forms, but most cultures have one thing in common -- letting ones hair down after a long, hard year. 作为举世同庆的最古老的传统之一,新年的庆祝活动有多种形式,但大多数文化...

  • 夏洛特的网 Chapter 11

    20-12-26 The next day was foggy. Everything on the farm was dripping wet. The grass looked like a magic carpet. The asparagus patch looked like a silver forest. 第二天起雾了。农场里的一切都被雾水打湿了。草地看起来像有魔力的地毯。龙须菜地看起来则像一片银色的...

  • 小王子 Chapter 24

    20-12-24 It was now the eighth day since I had had my accident in the desert, and I had listened to the story of the merchant as I was drinking the last drop of my water supply. 这是我在沙漠上出了事故的第八天。我听着有关这个商人的故事,喝完了我所备用的最后一...

  • 冷水游泳的好处

    20-12-21 We all know about the health benefits of swimming. It offers a great workout for the body it builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. If you dont mind getting wet, it can be fun too. But who would enjoy swimming in water thats i...

  • 我可以吃低糖的干果吗?

    20-12-11 Can I eat dried fruit on a low-sugar diet? 问:我可以吃低糖的干果吗? Dried fruit is packed with nutrients, but the drying process removes the water and concentrates a lot of fruit sugar in a very small bite. The risk is that it takes more dried fru...

  • 月球表面的水分子可能有利于建立人类基地

    20-11-24 近日,在透露了一项 令人激动的月球新发现 后,美国国家航空航天局公布了地球唯一的天然卫星上存在水的确凿证据。 Scientists have previously found signs of ice on the Moon and water vapour in its thin atmosphere. 科学家们此前已经在月球上发现了冰存在的迹象...

  • 洗衣服产生的人造微纤维可导致环境污染

    20-11-17 我们在洗衣服时,从衣物上脱落并排入外界环境中的人造微纤维总量是一个惊人的数字。美国科学家估计,自20世纪50年代我们开始大量穿戴涤纶和尼龙服饰以来,排入自然环境中的人造微纤维总量达560万吨。 Over the course of the past 65 years or so, our collection of c...

  • 芙蓉出水

    20-11-16 芙蓉出水指的是美丽的荷花从水中生长出来,形容清新、淡雅、自然之美(the term of lotus rising out of water describes a scene of freshness, quiet refinement and natural beauty)。芙蓉出水可以翻译为natural and refreshing like lotus rising out of water。...