• 美国新罕布尔大学接受中国高考成绩

    18-06-16 A US university will begin accepting the Chinese university entrance exam known as the Gaokao in an effort to attract more Chinese students. 为吸引更多中国学生,美国新罕布尔大学将接受以中国高考成绩申请入学。 The University of New Hampshire will be t...

  • 研究:天气热真会让学生成绩降低

    18-06-03 In years with hotter weather pupils are likely to perform less well in exams, says a major study from researchers at Harvard and other US universities. 哈佛等美国大学的研究人员开展的大型研究指出,在天气炎热的年份,学生们的考试成绩会变差。 There is a...

  • 习近平祝孩子们儿童节快乐

    18-06-01 President Xi Jinping wished Chinese children a happy International Childrens Day in a letter to some primary school students Wednesday. 习近平在一封给小学生的信中祝孩子们国际儿童节快乐。 Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Cen...

  • 德州枪击案后特朗普承诺将采取措施

    18-05-20 U.S. President Donald Trump promised that his administration would take actions to protect students, after a shooting left multiple people dead at a Texas high school on Friday. 本周五美国德州一所高中发生枪击案造成数人死亡,总统特朗普承诺,政府将采...

  • 面部识别技术用于分析学生课堂表现

    18-05-18 A high school in Hangzhou is using facial recognition technology to analyze the behavior of students in the classroom, and to keep a record of their attendance, reports Beijing News. 《新京报》报道,杭州一所高中利用面部识别技术分析课堂上学生的行为,...

  • 北大校长因读错音而致歉

    18-05-07 Lin Jianhua, President of Peking University, has apologized for mispronouncing a word during his speech to students at the 120th anniversary of the establishment of the prestigious college, reports Beijing Youth Daily. 《北京青年报》报道,北京大学校...

  • 中国驻澳领事馆提醒学生加强安全防范

    17-12-19 Chinas Consulate General in Melbourne, Australia has put a notice on its official website, calling for Chinese students studying in Australia to safeguard themselves against possible security risks. 中华人民共和国驻澳大利亚墨尔本总领事馆在官方网站上...

  • 中国是海外留学生数量最多的国家

    17-12-19 China remains the country with the largest number of students studying overseas in the world, despite a slowdown, reports China Central Television. 中央电视台报道,中国仍是世界上海外留学生数目最多的国家,尽管数量有所下降。 According to a report publ...

  • 山东的小学生将学习Python编程

    17-12-12 Educational authorities have added advanced programming language Python to the latest textbooks for sixth grade pupils in Shandong Province, reports thepaper.cn. 澎湃新闻报道,山东省教育主管部门将高级编程语言Python加入小学六年级课本中。 Ranked as th...

  • 英国大学今年将降低招生标准

    17-08-20 Universities will be forced to compete harder than ever to fill empty places after the release of A-Level results this week, as experts report that a dip in UK university applications means a great year for students. 等本周高考成绩公布后,英国大学将...