11-03-21 Now, that doesnt mean testing is going to go away; there will be testing. But the point is, is that we need to refine how were assessing progress so that we can have accountability without rigidity -- accountability that still encourages creativity...
11-03-21 Now, over these last few weeks, during what weve called Education Month around the White House, Ive been traveling across the country talking with folks about education. In fact, weve actually been doing that for the last couple of years. And what I...
11-03-21 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody! Hello! (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you so much. (Applause.) Thank you. Everybody have a seat. Have a seat, everybody. It is wonderful to be here at Kenmore. And I want to, first of all, thank our principal, Mr. -- D...
11-01-25 The value of academic research performed at business schools has been questioned for the past two decades, some even calling it irrelevant to(不相关) the real business world. But a study by Russell Crook, assistant professor of management in the C...
11-01-08 Almost 230,000 students face missing out on university this year as the rush to escape higher tuition fees generates record demand for places. 为躲过学费上涨,英国近期掀起一股入学申请潮,申请人数创下纪录,但近23万学生今年将与大学无缘。 By Christmas,...
11-01-04 影片对白 Bellas father: Well, probably be late for dinner. I gotta head down to Mason County. Security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal. Bella: An animal? Bellas father: You're not in Phoenix anymore, Bells. Anyway, I figu...
10-12-12 美国乔治华盛顿大学近日宣布,该校所有学生可以自由选择宿舍室友,不再有性别限制,新生也不例外。这一政策在美国各大高校中开了先例,学生宿舍男女有别、禁止异性出入的日子将成为历史。 The long-eroding boundaries that once kept men and women apart on America'...
10-11-27 24日英国多个城市爆发了第二波学生游行示威活动,抗议政府削减教育经费、增收大学学费。 Tens of thousands of students and school pupils walked out of class, marched, and occupied buildings around UK in the second day of mass action within a fortnight to...
10-06-11 Highly credentialed(受到信任) and experienced professors are better at preparing students for long-term academic success than their less-experienced counterparts, but that ability isn't necessarily reflected in their students' teaching evaluations...
09-10-27 It is appropriate on an anniversary of the founding of a university to remind ourselves of its purposes.It is equally appropriate at such time for students to reflect on why they have been chosen to attend and to consider how they can best benefit f...