• 约2/3的夫妇或情侣是从朋友开始做起的

    21-07-14 友达以上,恋人未满?那么也许你可以加把油,因为研究显示,多达三分之二的夫妇或情侣是从朋友开始做起的。相比浪漫的一见钟情,还是日久生情更为普遍。 When Harry first met Sally, he asserted men and women could not be friends because the sex part always get...

  • 教育部开通2021年高校学生资助热线电话

    21-06-30 6月29日,教育部开通2021年高校学生资助热线电话(hotlines for inquiries on college financial-aid programs),电话号码为010-66097980、010-66096590。 This marks the 17th year in a row that the Ministry of Education has opened such hotlines for inquiries...

  • 教育部新成立校外教育培训监管司

    21-06-16 The Ministry of Education on Tuesday established a new department to regulate extracurricular tutoring schools, aiming to reduce students excessive academic burden. 6月15日,教育部新成立校外教育培训监管司,旨在为学生减负。 教育部官网的信息显示,校外...

  • 德国大学生爱学商学专业

    21-06-09 The independent survey from StudyCheck shows differences in the most popular courses for men and women. Business Administration has for years held the top spot in the ranking of the most popular programs, both for men and women. StudyCheck的独立调查...

  • 五个英语口语语法要点

    21-05-30 1.口语中的句子结构 Its difficult, the exam. 非正式口语中的语法在某些方面与书面语法不同。句子通常不那么复杂,使用的连词种类更少,也更简单。 正式的书面语: While the hotel was of quite a high standard, the food was disappointing. 非正式的口语: The ho...

  • like pulling teeth 非常困难

    21-05-16 拔牙 pulling teeth 的感觉不好受吧?在英语中,人们常用短语 like pulling teeth(像拔牙一样) 形容 某件事情很辛苦、很难做。 例句 Trying to get my students to speak in the lesson is like pulling teeth. 让我的学生们在课上发言简直太难了。 I keep phoning t...

  • be streets ahead 遥遥领先

    21-05-13 形容词比较级 be better than 可以表示 比好。与其意思相近的表达 be streets ahead 超出几条街 比喻 事或人远比另一事物或人优秀、水平高,遥遥领先。 例句 Our new product will be a huge success and will ensure we are streets ahead of our competitors. 我们的...

  • 教育部近日印发中小学生作业管理十条要求

    21-04-26 教育部近日印发《关于加强义务教育学校作业管理的通知》,提出十条要求。 Primary schools should ensure that students in the first and second grades do not have written homework. Those in higher grades should complete their homework within one hour, the...

  • ingratiate oneself 献殷勤

    21-04-20 献殷勤,汉语词语,意思是为讨好别人而细心伺候﹑奉承(curry favour usually by being very attentive to somebody)。可以翻译为ingratiate oneself或fawn on。 例句: 向当权者大献殷勤 Ingratiate oneself with people in authority 他的同学们发现他太爱献殷勤了...

  • 教育部发布未成年人学校保护意见稿

    21-04-08 教育部近日发布公告,就《未成年人学校保护规定(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见。 The draft guideline designed to protect minors from sexual harassment, assault and bullying at primary and secondary schools and has asked schools to adopt a zero-tolerance app...