• 2016两会代表精彩语录4

    16-03-21 The current education system, which comprises three years in preschool, six years in primary school, six years in middle school, four years as an undergraduate and three years of graduate study, is a bit too long. It's a burden for both students and...

  • 加州大学在校园里开设学生课间休息区

    16-02-28 Students will now be able to snooze between classes, as the ASUC has just opened several designated napping areas across campus. 加州大学柏克莱分校学生会,近日在校园里开设了几个特定的休息区,供学生们在课间小睡。 The office held a launch event for th...

  • 专业与个性之间有一定的联系

    16-02-12 According to new research, which has found a link between our university subjects and our personalities, you have selfish, uncooperative tendencies and are not very in touch with your feelings. 最新研究显示,专业与我们的个性之间具有一定的联系。学习...

  • 南非某城颁发“处女奖学金”

    16-01-30 A South African mayor has awarded college scholarships to 16 young women for remaining virgins to encourage others to be pure and focus on school, her spokesman said. 南非一城市为16位年轻的女大学生颁发了处女奖学金。市长发言人表示,此举旨在鼓励女生洁...

  • iHunch i弓背

    16-01-28 An epidemic is affecting students worldwide; the painful result of our generation being the first to grow up with an endless availability of smart phones, laptops, iPads and gaming consoles. It is the iHunch , the forward curve of the upper back cau...

  • 英国某中学禁止学生携带名牌手提包上课

    16-01-10 A school has been forced to 'ban' pupils from bringing 'inappropriate' designer handbags to lessons. Teachers at All Saints' Academy in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, claim the luxury items are not suitable for carrying A4 files, textbooks and PE kits...

  • 美国20多所高校校园内禁用电动滑板

    16-01-10 At least 20 universities have banned or restricted hoverboards on their campuses in recent weeks, saying the two-wheeled, motorized scooters are unsafe. Beyond the risk of falls and collisions, colleges are citing warnings from federal authorities t...

  • stealth dorm 隐形宿舍

    15-12-28 Stealth dorm refers to a home zoned as a single-family residence but rented by a group of unrelated individuals, particularly college students. 隐形宿舍是指由一群不相关的人,尤指大学生,承租的独栋房屋。 隐形宿舍也可以写成stealth dormitory。 了解这个...

  • 加拿大某大学开设《权力的游戏》课程

    15-11-02 Why is winter coming? Why does Jon Snow know nothing? And why is Littlefinger called Littlefinger? 为什么凛冬将至?为什么琼恩雪诺什么都不知道?为什么小指头被叫做小指头? If you're completely obsessed with all things Game of Thrones then this might j...

  • 史上最豪华的学生宿舍

    15-09-25 Is this the most luxurious student accommodation ever? 这就是史上最豪华的学生宿舍吗? As students begin flocking to the city for the start of the academic year, Vita Student residence on First Street has just been voted luxury accommodation of the y...